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Israel warns it will respond to peace activists sending another flotilla

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That is an interesting post. It does have one minor fault in that it's a pile of horse droppings.

Firstly, try to find a racist post of mine anywhere on any forum. I know you can't because your suggestion is that of a fibbing little cretin.

Now let me ask him to quote any post of mine suggesting any any Jewish feeling at all. You'll find plenty having a go at the murderous Israeli government and their vicious dogs in the IDF but none having a go at Israelis or Jews in general.


Lies are a really handy tool when your politics are as vile as your.

Squirming now ? ;)

And what politics would they be ?

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Why do racists try to cover their racism by accusing others of the same stupidity. The accusation itself is an indication of how daft you are.

You're openly racist but use the same vile pseudo political attribute as an insult to others.

Just how pathetic are you?


Hitler (the dude that Nick the gay BNP leader wants to be a fat, slobby version of) murdered millions of Jews in camps. The camps that gay griff says weren't there. Quite how Nazi Germany's vile crime in any was supports Israel's murderous actions is past my understanding.

Perhaps you could attempt to explain how the Israeli government and armed forces could use Griffin's, sorry, Hitler's mass murder as an excuse.

Proof please !!

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I've met very few. 3 or 4 in Barnsley a few years ago but they were pretty lasses so politics or religion didn't come into it.

A family we shared lunch with at a Chinese restaurant in London and a Woman in Jakarta. I wasn't really much bothered about the latter. She was way over the top and pretty extreme in her views. She shut her daft trap when she worked out I was a Muslim.

The rest were just people like anyone else. I see no reason to have a go at all Israelis because not all Israelis support what's going on over there.

Tell me do all muslims ,or at least the majority of them support the palestinian murderers who still continue to fire rockets into Israel provoking retaliation.

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Squirming now ? ;)

And what politics would they be ?


There was a claim of racism directed towards me.

I see you're far too stupid to be able to back up your own crap.


Put up or shut up.

Please quote a racist post of mine. Of course you can't, thus the attempt at a jab only a daft prick would make or take in.

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lol ya the Bruise Cruise.


I understand Turkey has a highly developed tourist industry, which caters to all kinds of weirdos.


Lol imagine an English bloke steps aboard; "so where is the booze?"


"This isn't the Booze Cruise, this is the Bruise Cruise"


"Oh S**t!"

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Maybe because it's a brutal and murderous Occupying power ? - do you think that that could be it ? :cool:




If you are so sure that “Palestine, the country, goes back through most of recorded history,” I expect you to be able to answer a few basic questions about that country of Palestine:



1. When was it founded and by whom?

2. What were its borders?

3. What was its capital?

4. What were its major cities?

5. What constituted the basis of its economy?

6. What was its form of government?

7. Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat?

8. Was Palestine ever recognized by a country whose existence, at that time or now, leaves no room for interpretation?

9. What was the language of the country of Palestine?

10. What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine?

11. What was the name of its currency? Choose any date in history and tell what was the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian monetary unit against the US dollar, German mark, GB pound, Japanese yen, or Chinese yuan on that date.

12. And, finally, since there is no such country today, what caused its demise and when did it occur?


You are lamenting the “low sinking” of a “once proud” nation. Please tell me, when exactly was that “nation” proud and what was it so proud of? :roll:


get real the whole world knows Israel built its cities several thousand years ago and not 1947 the walls are still there you can walk into the stones today that were laid by Jews before the Romans occupied "their" land

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Tell me do all muslims ,or at least the majority of them support the palestinian murderers who still continue to fire rockets into Israel provoking retaliation.

i imagine the vast majority in this country follow no political bias at all really and just get on living their lives just like the general public at large.

palestine prolly doesnt even pass through their mind


does christian deaths in far far far away countries often pass through your mind? as tho you are long lost comrades in arms / kin?

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get real the whole world knows Israel built its cities several thousand years ago and not 1947 the walls are still there you can walk into the stones today that were laid by Jews before the Romans occupied "their" land


Let's say I had a house that was taken over by an external force a few thousand years; the original 'forces' that took over my home have long since passed.


So one day, you walk over, kick out the current occupants and their families (who have been living in that home/land for centuries), make them homeless, destroy their livelihood, even resort to murdering them (see the 'Deir Yassin Massacre' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Yassin_massacre), and all because you want your 'original' home back ?


Is that what you're saying ?


(I think you need help for that sickness of yours)

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fine if you have that recorded history but the Arabs in Israel are Egyptions that were not allowed back after the war. Islam was invented in the eighth century and is quite modern so who has the ancient history?.....The Jews:huh: No other nation can trace their lines back Egypt doesn't lay claim to the land but they know that they chased the Jews there


In modern times please answer the questions that I posed and then everyone will know that you are right

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Let's say I had a house that was taken over by an external force a few thousand years; the original 'forces' that took over my home have long since passed.


So one day, you walk over, kick out the current occupants and their families (who have been living in that home/land for centuries), make them homeless, destroy their livelihood, even resort to murdering them (see the 'Deir Yassin Massacre' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Yassin_massacre), and all because you want your 'original' home back ?


Is that what you're saying ?


(I think you need help for that sickness of yours)


How can the previous residents of Deir Yassin go back home when you claim they were all murdered by the Israelis. It would be a reasonable assumption that the majority of the people involved in 1948 are also all dead, unless it was children that did the murdering.

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