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Spelling on the Forum

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Eats shoots and leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation


Most bookshops will stock it.


Yes and it is enough to make you want to Truss the author for her pedantry and narrow views on communication,and place in a bin.Poor spelling can prompt others to think you are a bit...so I do not like to give them the chance.It is great when the people who chastise others make enen bigger mistakes.

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It annoys me when people jump on someone's spelling. I do try to type properly, but I'm sure I make the odd typo or spelling mistake. As long as you can read and understand what is being said, which you normally can, evn if it's writn lyk this, then why complain?


Why complain? Because if your spelling, punctuation or grammar is bad then people will assume your intelligence is low.

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Can people not spell, or use the correct term these days?

Or is it just not considered an important part of the English language anymore?


lose or loose

there, their or they're

should've, not 'should of'

your or you're


I'm sure there are many more ... :rolleyes:


are you a teacher or is this a english exam

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At my youngests parents evening,i said i thought her spelling was poor,He said as long as we knew what they are trying to say,thats fine. I couldent believe it.


hiya, i had the same question to my daughters second year primary teacher and she told me that at her age that she was satisfied with my daughters progress as my daughter was good at getting her thoughts down on paper, whereas some children could be sat all the lesson barely putting down any writing at all

ps this was fourty years ago.

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Why complain? Because if your spelling, punctuation or grammar is bad then people will assume your intelligence is low.


Some very talented and successful people are dyslexic. My grandfather who was a very intelligent man, had been beaten by his school teacher in order to correct his left handed writing crime. His spelling was fine but his handwriting, using his right hand was poor.

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Why complain? Because if your spelling, punctuation or grammar is bad then people will assume your intelligence is low.


hiya when i was at school

spellin = sliver of wood in my finger

punctuation = a flat tyre.

grammar= grandmother.

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Some very talented and successful people are dyslexic. My grandfather who was a very intelligent man, had been beaten by his school teacher in order to correct his left handed writing crime. His spelling was fine but his handwriting, using his right hand was poor.


He wouldn't have had a problem with his handwriting if he'd been around now, as typing uses both hands. Teachers were often pretty cruel (and misguided) way back when. I would suggest that generally us oldies can spell reasonably well, we all read lots before we had TV! I'm a firm believer that reading increases word recognition.


My 4 year old granddaughter is learning to write. I asked her verbally to write the word 'we'. She wrote 'wii'. Technology has much to answer for. :D

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I am driven nuts by the much used phrase 'tarnished with the same brush'.

The saying is 'tarred with with same brush', tarnish means to rust, which you would not achieve with a brush. I believe such mistakes are known as 'eggcorns' (acorns). Other examples being 'a bowl in a china shop' and 'its a doggy dog world' - these two make me howl with laughter.

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I used to be a medical secretary and spelling long words like cervical lymphadenopathy was just routine for me but if the word wish was dictated I always had to think about it as I always want to put - whish - it seems I had a blind spot for that word.


However when my son was sitting his exams at school a few years ago, his course work was assessed as part of the final mark, and he asked me to read something to see if it made sense. I read it but pointed our several spelling mistakes and he told me that was fine as they were not marked on spelling just the content. It just didn't make sense to me.

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