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Kickboxing classes for a beginner

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Can anyone tell me of a good kickboxing/martial arts centre in sheffield for beginners, not wanting to pay the earth for lessons, been to the castlebba and its very expensive around £100 per month plus they wanted me to sign a contract which i dont want to do. Any advice would be much appreciated guys.



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Can anyone tell me of a good kickboxing/martial arts centre in sheffield for beginners, not wanting to pay the earth for lessons, been to the castlebba and its very expensive around £100 per month plus they wanted me to sign a contract which i dont want to do. Any advice would be much appreciated guys.




Hi Ace , I train at the AFK Kickboxing club in the city centre. We have classes nearly every day and its only a Fiver each time you train!

Yes only a Fiver!!! :D

Also we are taught by very good instructors who actually care about the people they teach and will take time out to show you again and again if you dont get the technique the first time.

Also at AFK you actually taught by Kickboxers not Karate guys (Castle BBA has never been kickboxing LOL) . For people who want to get good and compete well the proof is in the pudding as AFK fighters are well known for winning at least 90% of their fights! :D


The website is http://www.sheffieldkickboxingclub.co.uk

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Thanks for the replys toreador and ads21, ive had a look at AFK website (thanks for the link toreador) looks just what im looking for and the price is really good to. Castlebba was a bit intense ie the pressure to sign up and pay £500 pound upfront for 6 months, a fiver sounds more up my street :)


Thanks guys

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Thanks for the recommendations guys.


Where do you train at the moment ADS21? I just read your posts and it seems that you already kickbox somewhere as it is.


You are both welcome to pop along for a session. We regularly also get students of other kickboxing clubs who wish to take their training to the next lesson pop up and improve on their game.

Even instructors of other clubs have been known to come and train at AFK.

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