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The success that war brings, US style that is.

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When there was a Stasi informant on every street in East Berlin - when the lads who came over to the mining college in Doncaster from the East all wanted to stay over here. Like when the USSR used to send the tanks in to anywhere in the East that objected to Soviet rule - or send people to the Gulgags - like the "old, disabled and ill wandering the streets".


What's the first thing an East German wanted after the Berlin wall came down?


A match and a gallon of petrol to burn his Trabant with and a new VW/BMW/Audi/Merc



What did the Deutsch Demokratic Republik claim the wall was built for? Oh yes.... to keep all those unfortunate west Berliners out l.o.l

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As I've mentioned before though if Hitler had not had Britain and America to fight he could have wiped Stalin off the face of the earth. It was only because of fighting a two front war and overwhelming odds in manpower in favour of the bloodthirsty Russian leaders that they did not prevail but they kicked a lot of Russian ass before they had to quit.


Evidence! Where is your evidence? Or are you another of those repeating the tired old propoganda they claim as history. Hitler had his best chance in 1941 and he failed like Japan did in the first six months of the war against the US. Germany was taken completely by surprise by the size of the Soviet army and its tenacious defence of the Rodina, every time it thought it had broken the back of the Soviet army that army counrter-attacked.


You appear to place yourself as some kind of big authority on how effective the Americans were "not" in beating the Germans but far better scholars than you have stated that when Hitler decared war on the US in December 1941 that was the day he lost the war even though at that time he was still winning on the eastern front.


And how many of those 'historians' were anti-Communists, after all its not like big, bad USA could admit that the only reason they were even ABLE to fight Germany was the fact that over two thirds of it's army was tied up fighting the Russians. Also unlike you I RESEARCHED the subject, I have actually spoken to Russians who fought in WWII, have you? Hitler lost the war when he declared war on Russia, he lost it again when he chose to weaken the southern attack to concentrate on Moscow and things went downhill from there. The only people who say different are paid for by the US or completely ignore the Eastern front.


Personally I think that like Churchill and other western leaders it was hoped that when Germany attacked Russiia in June 1941 that these two despicable bloodthirsty barbarian regimes would kill each other like two wild animals.

As it turned out the Red barbarians were a threat for another fifty years

before their crap, falling apart, corrupt army packed up and left East Germany and the rest of that part of Europe much to the joy of all concerned


And I think that explains why you will NEVER understand the Russian army or mentality, you are exactly the reason why Stalin was able to do what he did, your biased, hatred of anything different is why the Russian state built up the forces upon the border they did, and your blinkered belief in US propoganda shows how little you know or understand. Oh and if the Russiian army is corrupt, would you care to explain what your government and army did with the 7.6 BILLION your country has STOLEN off the Iraqi people?


Red Barbarians, you rascist bigot! Their country was civilised before your country had even been born, what were the Americans doing while Tchikovsky, Mussorgsky and Tolstoy were creating works of art? Raping and murdering native Americans stealing their land and commiting Genocide who EXACTLY are the barbarians?

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brainwashed Commie. Tell us more. We haven't figured out yet if you're Xhinese, Russian, Korean, European or what. We'd like some more information.


What so you can better insult me? Can make cheap jibes about my origins? Use your tired old cliches about my origins? Tough! Oh and Russia was never a Communist state. The only true Communist state existed for less than six months in St Petersburg and was brutally repressed by Lenin and the army. Russia was, from that point on, a socialist state, so at least try to make your insults accurate, it should be brainwashed Socialist, keep up the feeble insults! the last resort of the interlectually challanged.

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Evidence! Where is your evidence? Or are you another of those repeating the tired old propoganda they claim as history. Hitler had his best chance in 1941 and he failed like Japan did in the first six months of the war against the US. Germany was taken completely by surprise by the size of the Soviet army and its tenacious defence of the Rodina, every time it thought it had broken the back of the Soviet army that army counrter-attacked.




And how many of those 'historians' were anti-Communists, after all its not like big, bad USA could admit that the only reason they were even ABLE to fight Germany was the fact that over two thirds of it's army was tied up fighting the Russians. Also unlike you I RESEARCHED the subject, I have actually spoken to Russians who fought in WWII, have you? Hitler lost the war when he declared war on Russia, he lost it again when he chose to weaken the southern attack to concentrate on Moscow and things went downhill from there. The only people who say different are paid for by the US or completely ignore the Eastern front.




And I think that explains why you will NEVER understand the Russian army or mentality, you are exactly the reason why Stalin was able to do what he did, your biased, hatred of anything different is why the Russian state built up the forces upon the border they did, and your blinkered belief in US propoganda shows how little you know or understand. Oh and if the Russiian army is corrupt, would you care to explain what your government and army did with the 7.6 BILLION your country has STOLEN off the Iraqi people?


Red Barbarians, you rascist bigot! Their country was civilised before your country had even been born, what were the Americans doing while Tchikovsky, Mussorgsky and Tolstoy were creating works of art? Raping and murdering native Americans stealing their land and commiting Genocide who EXACTLY are the barbarians?


I'm not knocking the ordinary WW2 Soviet soldier. He was a poor, underpaid son of a B who as at the mercy of a ruthless and murderous regime. If the Germans had treated the Russian POWs decently most of the Red army would have thrown in their lot with them. Enough of them did anyway including a few hundred Cossacks who were forced to return to Russia and were shot by Stalin.

I see you've starting the name calling game which is what you always do when you're on the losing end.

I bet your some old fur cap wearing Tovarich with an evil smelling pipe in your mouth. Touche :hihi:


Anyway. Final results of the Cold War Match


USA......... 1

USSR.........0 :hihi:

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What so you can better insult me? Can make cheap jibes about my origins? Use your tired old cliches about my origins? Tough! Oh and Russia was never a Communist state. The only true Communist state existed for less than six months in St Petersburg and was brutally repressed by Lenin and the army. Russia was, from that point on, a socialist state, so at least try to make your insults accurate, it should be brainwashed Socialist, keep up the feeble insults! the last resort of the interlectually challanged.


Now that's interesting. A few years ago, my bank called me and asked me: "Were you in St Petersburg last night?"


"No", I said "Why?"


"Your credit card was. It paid for a hooker. We blocked the charge."


She got screwed twice. Presumably, St Petersburg is now a capitalist city. :hihi:

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I'm not knocking the ordinary WW2 Soviet soldier. He was a poor, underpaid son of a B who as at the mercy of a ruthless and murderous regime. If the Germans had treated the Russian POWs decently most of the Red army would have thrown in their lot with them. Enough of them did anyway including a few hundred Cossacks who were forced to return to Russia and were shot by Stalin.

I see you've starting the name calling game which is what you always do when you're on the losing end.

I bet your some old fur cap wearing Tovarich with an evil smelling pipe in your mouth. Touche :hihi:


Anyway. Final results of the Cold War Match


USA......... 1

USSR.........0 :hihi:


I'm not the one describing Russians as 'Red Barbarians' you are. In what way is that not a racial insult? I would have thought the US would know better than to throw rocks in a glass house. Your history is no better than the Soviets history, yet your country claims to be the beacon of democracy, explain that to the ORIGINAL inhabitants of the US, who you, your country have murdered, raped, plundered and marginalized. as to the results of the Cold war tell me when you beat the Chinese! Oh, that's right you're losing that one!

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Now that's interesting. A few years ago, my bank called me and asked me: "Were you in St Petersburg last night?"


"No", I said "Why?"


"Your credit card was. It paid for a hooker. We blocked the charge."


She got screwed twice. Presumably, St Petersburg is now a capitalist city. :hihi:


Yep the Russians have learned all about Capitalism, that's why their criminals are so effective, out of curiousity who's winning in the Mafia fight, the US or Russian mafia?

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Yep the Russians have learned all about Capitalism, that's why their criminals are so effective, out of curiousity who's winning in the Mafia fight, the US or Russian mafia?


Good question. Do you support Celtic or Rangers?


I don't care who wins ... I don't play soccer.

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