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The success that war brings, US style that is.

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I'm not the one describing Russians as 'Red Barbarians' you are. In what way is that not a racial insult? I would have thought the US would know better than to throw rocks in a glass house. Your history is no better than the Soviets history, yet your country claims to be the beacon of democracy, explain that to the ORIGINAL inhabitants of the US, who you, your country have murdered, raped, plundered and marginalized. as to the results of the Cold war tell me when you beat the Chinese! Oh, that's right you're losing that one!


Fine talk from someone who mourns the loss of the Red Empire. Ask any older East European, Pole, Czech, Hungarian what they went through under the Communists for fifty years.

Your arrogance makes me sick boyo. You contemptuously dismiss the role of the US (and presumably Britain, Canada and Australia also) in defeating Hitler and aid to the Soviet Union as "crap"


Do you know how many merchant seamen and regular navy lost their lives shipping aid to the Soviets, ships sunk by U-boats or Lufrwaffe aircraft, sailors burned to death in burning oil or frozen to death in seas that were about as rough and hostile as any sailor could encounter?

I had an uncle who did a few of those arctic convoys to Russian ports. When these ships docked after going through hell the Bolsh Ba**tards wouldn't even let the crews go ashore. Armed Russian guards patrolled the dock area almost treating the crews of these ships as potential enemies.


I have no hostility to the Russians today only the Communists and their lap dogs like you. I'm sorry that you have any connection with England, the country I grew up in. I may have left a long time ago but I did more for England that someone like you could ever do.


Yes, native Americans did suffer under the white man but dont forget that these white men all came from Europe, millions from the eastern part including Russia where they were oppressed by kings and emperors and forced to flee to better places. Thus the oppression of one people led to the oppression of another.


As for China I see no cold war going on. The Chinese are dumping the communist system and in another twenty years will be more capitalist than the west. If you think otherwise you must be living in a dream world but that's not surprising as there are plenty of bitter old commies like you wandering around still living in the past. You're dinosaurs.:D

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