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Rabbinical court condemns dog to death by stoning.

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On the grounds that it may be the reincarnated spirit of a lawyer who insulted them 20 years ago:


Jewish court sentences dog to death by stoning

A Jerusalem rabbinical court condemned to death by stoning a dog it suspects is the reincarnation of a secular lawyer who insulted the court's judges 20 years ago, Ynet website reported on Friday.


According to Ynet, the large dog made its way into the Monetary Affairs Court in the ultra-Orthodox Jewish neighbourhood of Mea Shearim in Jerusalem, frightening judges and plaintiffs.


Despite attempts to drive the dog out of the court, the hound refused to leave the premises.


One of the sitting judges then recalled a curse the court had passed down upon a secular lawyer who had insulted the judges two decades previously.


Their preferred divine retribution was for the lawyer's spirit to move into the body of a dog, an animal considered impure by traditional Judaism.


Clearly still offended, one of the judges sentenced the animal to death by stoning by local children.


The canine target, however, managed to escape.


"Let the Animals Live", an animal-welfare organisation filed a complaint with the police against the head of the court, Rabbi Avraham Dov Levin, who denied that the judges had called for the dog's stoning, Ynet reported.


One of the court's managers, however, confirmed the report of the lapidation sentence to Israeli daily Yediot Aharonot.


"It was ordered ... as an appropriate way to 'get back at' the spirit which entered the poor dog," the paper reported the manager as saying, according to Ynet.


Certain schools of thought within Judaism believe in the transmigration of souls, or reincarnation.

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Didn't the Yorkies in Whitby hang a monkey (because he couldn't speak English and was probably a Spanish spy?)


Perhaps another Jewish Rabbinical court will condemn the first court to death for heresy.


Judaism does not include a belief in reincarnation and I seem to remember something about a guy called Moyshe (who made a toe-ointment for the shins of his people) saying God had told him: 'I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; Do not have any other gods before me."


AFAIK, It doesn't say anywhere in the Old Testament, in the Torah or in any other Judaistic writing: "When you die, you might be reincarnated as a puppy."


The Dog-botherers might be found to be guilty of heresy.


'Bone them to death!'


(Didn't Samson kill 150 people with the Ass-bone of a Jew?)

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Didn't the Yorkies in Whitby hang a monkey (because he couldn't speak English and was probably a Spanish spy?)


Perhaps another Jewish Rabbinical court will condemn the first court to death for heresy.


Judaism does not include a belief in reincarnation and I seem to remember something about a guy called Moyshe (who made a toe-ointment for the shins of his people) saying God had told him: 'I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; Do not have any other gods before me."


AFAIK, It doesn't say anywhere in the Old Testament, in the Torah or in any other Judaistic writing: "When you die, you might be reincarnated as a puppy."


The Dog-botherers might be found to be guilty of heresy.


'Bone them to death!'


(Didn't Samson kill 150 people with the Ass-bone of a Jew?)



Someone said hi anarchist....whatever that means.:)

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Didn't the Yorkies in Whitby hang a monkey (because he couldn't speak English and was probably a Spanish spy?)


Perhaps another Jewish Rabbinical court will condemn the first court to death for heresy.


Judaism does not include a belief in reincarnation and I seem to remember something about a guy called Moyshe (who made a toe-ointment for the shins of his people) saying God had told him: 'I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; Do not have any other gods before me."


AFAIK, It doesn't say anywhere in the Old Testament, in the Torah or in any other Judaistic writing: "When you die, you might be reincarnated as a puppy."


The Dog-botherers might be found to be guilty of heresy.


'Bone them to death!'


(Didn't Samson kill 150 people with the Ass-bone of a Jew?)


My bible learning must be way off. I thought Samson killed 150 Phillipinos with the jawbone of an asshole and that was because Phillipinos eat dogs

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