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I'll leave it to Harleyman to decide whether or not it was a skirmish, I think he's a Vietnam War Veteran .


It was far and beyond a skirmish. 58,000 thousand US killed alone including two of my mates and eventually all for nothing. How many Vietnamese? I dont know. The Cong and NVA murdered a lot of south Vietnamese themselves alone

The Domino theory prevailed that if South Vietnam fell to the communists then so would Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. The scenario seemed very real back then


Anyway to set the record straight. The Vietnam war was lost back in America and not on the battlefield

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It was far and beyond a skirmish. 58,000 thousand US killed alone including two of my mates and eventually all for nothing. How many Vietnamese? I dont know.


Thanks for that, the number of Vietnamese who were killed in that conflict varies but it's sure to say it wasn't a skirmish.

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The vietnam war was a cold war skirmish. Who won the cold war? :huh:


With the way the Russians are cleaning up, it seems like it was the Soviets/Russians:D.


It was far and beyond a skirmish. 58,000 thousand US killed alone including two of my mates and eventually all for nothing.


Most deaths caused by wars are "eventually all for nothing".


a nuclear war would mean both sides using nukes.


That's just MAD:D.

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We haven't had any nuclear wars.


Two atomic bombs dropped on Japan doesn't equal nuclear war - a nuclear war would mean both sides using nukes.


We did not have a nuclear war because we won the cold war. we won the cold war because of America. Is that so hard to grasp? Vietnam was one skirmish in the cold war. A war fought all over the world in many ways.

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It was far and beyond a skirmish. 58,000 thousand US killed alone including two of my mates and eventually all for nothing. How many Vietnamese? I dont know. The Cong and NVA murdered a lot of south Vietnamese themselves alone

The Domino theory prevailed that if South Vietnam fell to the communists then so would Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. The scenario seemed very real back then


Anyway to set the record straight. The Vietnam war was lost back in America and not on the battlefield


Why was the vietnam war fought?

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Did you think so? I just thought it was a load of baseless, ill informed, poorly evidenced, innuendo filled cobblers.


I don't agree with every word no but it certainly challenges the usual porridge. I have mixed views, any soldier in Iraq was just a puppet for Bush and US business interests. Afghanistan on the other hand is a just war in my opinion. That's because I look at everything on its own merits and have been accused of being both left wing and right wing, I call it balanced.

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