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Work or dont work that is the question?

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But they're not funding someone else's lifestyle, the government, is out of their taxes. If the funding stopped do you honestly believe that tax would go down?


And who do you think provides the government with their money? The people do. As such people have the right to express their opinions/concerns on how the money is spent.


Funding for unemployment will never stop, it would be political suicide. However, the percentage of government expenditure may vary depending which party is in power. Just because taxes are unlikely to go down if unemployment benefit was stopped, doesn't mean we shouldn't evaluate if the government is spending our money wisely. Especially at a time of economic hardship. The money given to the unemployed could, theoretically be given to the NHS, police, foreign aid or any other government agency.


As previously stated, I may not agree with the views in this thread, but there is a famous quote which sums up my reasoning which goes something like, 'I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it'. - Often misquoted to Voltaire.

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