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Motability system abuse

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is it about time the Motability schemes where cracked down on ? it seems according to a report in todays sunday times there is widespread abuse by some disabled applicants and their families and also the car dealers of the system which is rarely checked:mad:

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is it about time the Motability schemes where cracked down on ? it seems according to a report in todays sunday times there is widespread abuse by some disabled applicants and their families and also the car dealers of the system which is rarely checked:mad:


I know one family in thurcroft who openly abuse the system both dss and dla amzing how they get away with it

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They don’t happen to go tp the tea dance at the Gordon Bennett hall to they or mend their shed roof at 7am so that no one can see them. :hihi:


They live on acre close they get there morgage paid while they sun themselves in spain five times a year oh and have a trust fund of over £250.000 and thats just meantioning 2 things .While saying he can`t walk yet they are memebers of the escafeld medieval society and travel all over the country taking part in displays need I say more

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They live on acre close they get there morgage paid while they sun themselves in spain five times a year oh and have a trust fund of over £250.000 and thats just meantioning 2 things .While saying he can`t walk yet they are memebers of the escafeld medieval society and travel all over the country taking part in displays need I say more


Believe it or not but if you are top rate disability it isn’t means tested.

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is it about time the Motability schemes where cracked down on ? it seems according to a report in todays sunday times there is widespread abuse by some disabled applicants and their families and also the car dealers of the system which is rarely checked:mad:


Just remember that British newspapers are even less trustworthy than a Heroin addicted, grossly over stocked, second hand car dealer looking to pay for his next fix.



(Remember Peers Morgan putting that fake picture on the front of the Zionist owned Daily Mirror, of SUPPOSED Muslim inmates, in a supposed concentration camp in Serbia)


Morgan who was editor of the Mirror at the time, admitted the con eventually, but the con job had already done trick, of making British people support the British and American intervention there at that time.


Have you noticed how Morgan is now getting all those prime time programs on TV?


From an editor of a newspaper to top TV personality in one quick jump?????? Thats his payback for services rendered at the Daily Mirror.



Think twice before believing anything you read in a newspapers, or at least find out who owns the paper and see if he has a vested interest.......like Morgan for instance.



Also watch out anytime soon, for newspaper and TV news stories of Iran doing evil beyond the Devils own doing, Iran is going to be invaded very soon, maybe around October/September time, so watch those news guys get you to hate Iran, once you start seeing the demonisation of Amhadinejad and Iran, the invasion is just around the corner.


Having said that, if the system is being abused, its totally wrong and should be stamped out ASAP.


Any one here trust the news media? Any one here trust Politicians?


If you do, watch out, because the men in white coats will be coming for you pretty soon.


Don't worry about it though, just watch for them coming down the street, then shut the curtains, turn out the light, crawl under the table and pretend your not in, like i do when i see the rent man comes. :D

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People riding around in top German cars at our expense who probably should not be?


You can purchase just about any car you please under the Motability scheme; the more expensive a car you want, the bigger a downpayment you must make in addition to giving up your DLA money.


A Ford Focus 1.6 Sport, is currently available for an initial downpayment of zero; a Lexus for one of £7,000.

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Believe it or not but if you are top rate disability it isn’t means tested.


He isn`t on the top rate but fakers like this get away with all sorts well hope they catch up with them thats all I can say they make a mockery out of genuine ppl that need the money.

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