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Motability system abuse

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I heard off an old mates ex that their ex had acquired her car through their grandparents being in receipt of dla.

As long as they drove that grand parent around, but I only ever see the person use it for themselves and there purposes.

You can report any concerns you have, you can do it on-line all you need is the car registration and persons address and few odd bits.


I can understand if they was in receipt of the car due to one of their own kids or sister or summit.

Am I right in thinking you can't drive car unless the disabled person who benefit car claimed from is present in the car or what ever ??



Quite correct for the named driver to use the car to collect items from the shop, collect prescriptions or any other activity which is for the recipient of the allowance. The person who "owns" the car does not have to be in the vehicle for the named driver to use it.





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Aye, I am currently looking at a Range Rover, 20 grand down. Or a top of the range Disco 4, 19 grand down - can't make my mind up which to have.






Do you know i cant make mind up which car i really want either, i cant make my mind up, whether to get the Testerosser or the reliant Robin. All though looking at my bank account, its looks as though its gonna be the plastic pig. :D

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Quite correct for the named driver to use the car to collect items from the shop, collect prescriptions or any other activity which is for the recipient of the allowance. The person who "owns" the car does not have to be in the vehicle for the named driver to use it.






Thanks hun,:)

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I can't stand people who get car on dla and act like their better then everyone else like they bought it.

When you know they have not got 2p to scratch their bums with lol,The women a few doors down she thinks she is council version of posh spice driving a mobility car lol

If you saw her curtains my god they look like they was washed in nicotine.

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Do you know i cant make mind up which car i really want either, i cant make my mind up, whether to get the Testerosser or the reliant Robin. All though looking at my bank account, its looks as though its gonna be the plastic pig. :D



Aye, had a plastic pig when I got wed 41 years ago. Front wheel folded up on me and the article rolled over. 3 of us in it, not a scratch on any of us, lucky eh. We swept the remains up with brush and shovel.





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Not ethical to do that. Although the named driver may drive the car, it has to be for the benefit of the disabled person, taking them shopping, taking them out for the day things like that.






So how comes the bloke uses it 5 days a week to go to / from work while the disabled wife is at home, like I said she gets to go shopping on a Saturday.

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Just remember that British newspapers are even less trustworthy than a Heroin addicted, grossly over stocked, second hand car dealer looking to pay for his next fix.



(Remember Peers Morgan putting that fake picture on the front of the Zionist owned Daily Mirror, of SUPPOSED Muslim inmates, in a supposed concentration camp in Serbia)


Morgan who was editor of the Mirror at the time, admitted the con eventually, but the con job had already done trick, of making British people support the British and American intervention there at that time.


Have you noticed how Morgan is now getting all those prime time programs on TV?


From an editor of a newspaper to top TV personality in one quick jump?????? Thats his payback for services rendered at the Daily Mirror.



Think twice before believing anything you read in a newspapers, or at least find out who owns the paper and see if he has a vested interest.......like Morgan for instance.



Also watch out anytime soon, for newspaper and TV news stories of Iran doing evil beyond the Devils own doing, Iran is going to be invaded very soon, maybe around October/September time, so watch those news guys get you to hate Iran, once you start seeing the demonisation of Amhadinejad and Iran, the invasion is just around the corner.


Having said that, if the system is being abused, its totally wrong and should be stamped out ASAP.


Any one here trust the news media? Any one here trust Politicians?


If you do, watch out, because the men in white coats will be coming for you pretty soon.


Don't worry about it though, just watch for them coming down the street, then shut the curtains, turn out the light, crawl under the table and pretend your not in, like i do when i see the rent man comes. :D


I couldn't agree more.


There is an undoubted bias in the press redirecting anger away from those in power who deserve it, to the little man - be it welfare claimants, pensioners, public sector workers, you name it, who can't fight back.


These people didn't cause the present crisis - politicians and bankers did, but how much belt tightening do you see them doing?


Propoganda is a very powerful medium in a crisis, and we are getting it by the bucketload.

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Aye, had a plastic pig when I got wed 41 years ago. Front wheel folded up on me and the article rolled over. 3 of us in it, not a scratch on any of us, lucky eh. We swept the remains up with brush and shovel.






From what i have heard about accidents in those pigs, you are very very lucky indeed, lots of people have received really bad facial and body scars from the sharp edges caused by the shattering fiber glass. I take it that you wont be getting another pig then?.......Chicken ;)

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I couldn't agree more.


There is an undoubted bias in the press redirecting anger away from those in power who deserve it, to the little man - be it welfare claimants, pensioners, public sector workers, you name it, who can't fight back.


These people didn't cause the present crisis - politicians and bankers did, but how much belt tightening do you see them doing?


Propoganda is a very powerful medium in a crisis, and we are getting it by the bucketload.


Fortunately some people like your self are wise enough to work that out, but its amazing how many people just cant see things for them selves, they just accept what ever the lying politicians tell them. Good on you Anna. :)


You would think that the people of our city would see that (We wont support raising tuition fees) Clegy for what he is, just like his oppo (If we win the election, well pull Britain out of Europe) Cameron, they are both proven liers.



Another interesting point at this time, is that the leaders of the Conservatives, Cameron and the leader of the Labour (SPIT) party are both Jewish, i find it strange that the vast vast majority of voters in Britain are Christian Brits, while the majority of leading politicians are Jewish??????


I dont know if you remember Michael Howard being Conservative leader a short wile back, was also Jewish as his deputy leader Oliver Letwin, I really don't undestag that at all, if it were the other way round and Christian Brite were the majority of leading politicians, they would be screaming racism. Its a funny old world we live in to day. Even Blunket was educated at a Jewish school here in Sheffield. So strange i think, :confused::confused:

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