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Airsoft shops in Sheffield?

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A poster put his JG XM177 up in the FS section recently. He had a couple of midcaps and a highcap to go with that, if I remember right :huh:


(His thread got pulled (unsurprisingly) and I was actually in negotiations with him at the time, but I accidentally deleted his PM and haven't been able to ID'him again :()


Need to get myself off to that CQB place in Sheff', but I keep getting 'interrupted' by work (double-:(). A Good Irish friend of mine and long-time airsofter tried it not long ago and had a lot of good things to say about it. I wonder if he took his Inokatsu '60 with him? :D


EDIT - I really don't think Sheff Forum would have an airgun/airsoft section anytime soon. It's just too small-scale a hobby around here, and the Forum is both "too clean" (no offense intended :D) and too generalist.


That said, if you want an idea of what the airsoft sub-section of a location-based Forum can look like, head over here for a look-see (airsoft sub-forum of Boards.ie, the largest Irish 'Sheffield Forum-like' Forum, mostly Dublin-focused). I used to post a lot on that (including in the airsoft section) before I came back to Sheffield and started posting on here.


As for how 'fun' airsoft can be, well...start here :D


I wouldn't mind goin for a quick game but I'd like a woodland environment to use my l96 and ghillies ;)

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