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How to stop snoring before i murder my partner

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Go back to your doctor and ask for a referral to the Sleep Clinic at the Northern General Hospital, they have several options. Mr C went there and although his snoring hasn't stopped altogether it is much more bearable, more like a loud cat purr, in fact I actually miss it if he is not in bed!!

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my friend swears by snoreeze oral strips.


I'm the one that snores and when we go on holiday or share a hotel room he insists I use these and says they work. they are like a little jelly strip you put on your tongue and they just melt away.


I just looked and you can buy them on amazon for a fiver a pack. they could be worth a try.


ok will give those a try thanks never heard of them

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how the hell can you stop someone from snoring, ive tried a knee in their back, a shove a push, a elbow, abuse, and even pushing em out of bed, i have wore ear plugs for 6 years and my ear holes are getting huge, any tips before i commit murder grrrrrrrrrrrr

Do what my other half does, get a spare bed and put it in a spare room and when he snores leave him to have a peaceful nights sleep without constantly thumping him in the back.:D


Ups I didn’t read enough before posting send her to the spare bed.:D

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Reducing salt intake helps with sleep apnoea as well as helping with snoring. It's worth a try.


I have a serious problem with snoring. I am not overweight, if anything slightly under. I do however have too much salt! I will give anything a try as I am in a seperate bedroom from my OH because of the problem. I also occasioannly wake up gasping for breath as I sometimes stop breathing a little. Maybe I should tell the doc.

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my friend swears by snoreeze oral strips.


I'm the one that snores and when we go on holiday or share a hotel room he insists I use these and says they work. they are like a little jelly strip you put on your tongue and they just melt away.


I just looked and you can buy them on amazon for a fiver a pack. they could be worth a try.


These didn't do anything for my snoring, but they did remove the blackheads.

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Have you tried to elevate the bed with putting an old pillow or two under your partner? The bed being raised may help with the jaw not falling backwards.


My partner uses these with me:



I also have a pair for when I go to shows/gigs and they work amazingly. He cant hear me through my snoring (mines due to allergies :() or hear his alarm (when he uses them, I have to wake him)

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Me and my partner have this problem, he is SOOOOOO loud. We've tried the lot, nothing works. So we generally sleep apart as I'm a bad sleeper at the best of times.


Not ideal, but doesn't bother me or him, we've always slept apart and we get on a lot better when I've had a good night's sleep. I think you'd be surprised these days the amount of couples who do sleep apart and don't admit it.


My partner's brother and sister in law are the same, and they think its the key to a good marriage. I think it's true too.


Don;t sleep in the same bed because society tells you you have to. like i said - you'll get on much better with a good night's sleep.

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