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How old are people in Heaven?

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Some are very old - one chap, a Neanderthal, is said to be approaching 1,000,000 years but doesn't look a day over 500,000. The problem is putting all those candles on his huge birthday cake. He will also be receiving his greetings scroll from God which everyone gets when they hit a million.

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Some are very old - one chap, a Neanderthal, is said to be approaching 1,000,000 years but doesn't look a day over 500,000. The problem is putting all those candles on a his huge birthday cake. He's will also be receiving his greetings scroll from God which everyone gets when they hit a million.


Are they in the same heaven as everyone else or do they have a separate, technologically less advanced heaven where they just go hunting and gathering? Is there a difference between Protestant heaven and Catholic heaven? What if someones idea of heaven is being with their partner but their partner worshipped false idols and ended up in hell, is that not unfair to the one in heaven?

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My friend is a clairevoyant......


And this is her opinion on a site she runs...

Yes a ghost will be of the age it die, because ghost are spirits that for some they still think that they are alive, and for other ghost they are hanging on to this dimension not wanting to transcend until they finish what they feel they need to do.


Spirits on the other hand have transcended to the other side, can travel back for a visit, they may appear younger and thinner. I basically have family personal proof on that one....

My Cousin died a few years ago of cancer, his wife went to the grave site to pray the rosary, and my Cousin started speaking to his wife, he was in one of the lower dimensions, he said he was on another plane- or dimension, and that there weren't that many there with him, he said that he is not in any more pain, and he was concern why she was there at the grave site and not home with the kids. My Cousin said that our grandmother came to visit him from a higher dimension and that he didn't recognize her because she looked younger and thinner. My Grandmother died twice, doctors brought her back the first time, and she said that she was in heaven walking with Jesus...why she was angry when she came to....why I know she was in a higher dimension, and because my dead Cousin said so:)


Spirit in higher dimension have more abilities than ghost do because they know that they have transcended.


Weather you believe or not is another matter :)


You could do with putting "quote" marks around the parts from your friend's site so that people don't mistake it for something you're claiming yourself.

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Are there lots of confused Romans and Vikings (for example) who were expecting to go to Mount Olympus and Valhalla respectively... They end up in a Christian heaven, some of them having died before Christianity even existed, I can imagine that it would be very confusing for them.

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Are there lots of confused Romans and Vikings (for example) who were expecting to go to Mount Olympus and Valhalla respectively... They end up in a Christian heaven, some of them having died before Christianity even existed, I can imagine that it would be very confusing for them.


Nowt that a few glasses of red wouldn't sort out. :D

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