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Babies killed by coalition and we are paying.

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vR - BBC were reporting it on thier website from around lunchtime yesterday.




I would be interested in seeing the number of babies that would have been killed if no action had been taken in Libya and it had been allowed to go into full civil war at that point.

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At least after the Holocaust in the World War two people could be marginally comforted by the fact that the allies were unaware of the murder going on being perpetrated by the Nazis.


Then we had the Serbian genocide of Croatian (Muslims) which the West permitted by taking no action to prevent it. A shameful page of history for the so called Liberal West.


It will be hard to see how those who turn their faces away from this slaughter will salve their own conscience after this state sponsored murder of civilians?


My bold - is that in reference to Gadaffi or the NATO airstrike?

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Libya mission....failed!


We went in there to protect human life, so the moment we take the life of innocents (even if accidentally) means we have failed imo.


I know our presence probably means we have saved far more many lives than we have taken, so the population of Libya is a net beneficiary of our action there in terms of lives preserved. But that doesn't matter in in terms of PR, we will always be the bad guys, so lets get the sod out of this civil war and let them kill each other to their hearts content, then the critics have the blood on their hands, not us.


totally agree

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From the BBC website


"19 June 2011 Last updated at 10:33 Share this pageEmail Print Share this page


641ShareFacebookTwitter.Nato raid kills five civilians, Libyan officials say"


The bold states it all.Some journalist were taken around certain sites and told NATO did it.

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At least after the Holocaust in the World War two people could be marginally comforted by the fact that the allies were unaware of the murder going on being perpetrated by the Nazis...


That's not true.



Agreed. It was probably rather more than two.

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When NATO kill civilians, all they have to do is apologise and everything's fine.


What's the difference if a terrorist organisation does the same ? - kills civilians accidentally and apologies ?


Are NATO 'acceptable' terrorists to the rest of us ?

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When NATO kill civilians, all they have to do is apologise and everything's fine.


What's the difference if a terrorist organisation does the same ? - kills civilians accidentally and apologies ?


Are NATO 'acceptable' terrorists to the rest of us ?


wars hell, still cheer up.

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It depends on which side your on. Id nuke them, you would protect them?


Nope; and it seems you're no better than the terrorists; you condone the killing of civilians.


Seek help (via the Hague).

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