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Babies killed by coalition and we are paying.

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Maybe! disturbing stuff.

Isn't it just. It's a reminder that war is full of tough decisions that may never be right yet still attract the opprobrium of later generations who have the benefit of 20/20 vision and no deaths to justify.

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Isn't it just. It's a reminder that war is full of tough decisions that may never be right yet still attract the opprobrium of later generations who have the benefit of 20/20 vision and no deaths to justify.


I thinks that's very true. It annoys me when people bang on about Dresden or the saturation bombing of Cologne. The allies were fighting for survival against a genocidal regime so the perspective is totally different isn't it?

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How can Gadaffi spend our money?


And what do you mean by "business as usual" - Gaddafi wiping out the rebels?


What I'm saying is, if we had kept out of it then the rebels would most likely have been defeated soon after it started at no cost to us.

Instead we have another drawn out war with dubious agendas and continuing casualties on both sides.

It wasn't our fight.

If Libya and Gadaffi were so bad why haven't we gone in before ?

And why does he have so much support from his people ?


I support the rebels and respect what they tried to do but if I got a gun and a band of like minded fellows then tried to sieze control of the state I too would expect to be shot,even in this country .

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What I'm saying is, if we had kept out of it then the rebels would most likely have been defeated soon after it started at no cost to us.


So you'd be happy with Gaddafi slaughtering civilians - which is what would have happened - as long as it doesn't cost us?


Do you like dictators?

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More stuff here - being fairly widely reported that Jews were being slaughtered in 1942.




What, if anything, could have been done is open to interpretation - my view is not a lot.


this is another one where hindsight is 20/20. Despite the reports coming in nobody really fully comprehended that what was happening was genocide on an industrial scale. How could they. Nothing like that had ever happened before and it was totally outside the realm of anybody's experience.

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So you'd be happy with Gaddafi slaughtering civilians - which is what would have happened - as long as it doesn't cost us?


Do you like dictators?


How much has been spent on bombs,missiles etc ?

Is Daffy dead ?...No ,but still slaughter on both,or rather ,all three sides continues.


Who is going to benefit from all this ?...


A quick kill wouldn't make billions for the arms industry would it ,and ensure only a western approved leader took his place ?

Nor would talking to Gaddafi, instead of bombing the crap out of the countries infrastructure ,leaving it on it's knees and begging for help from those that did it when he's gone.

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Benefit? I don't think that the UN is bombing Libya for its benefit.



Libyan leader warns the people of Benghazi his army is coming with full force and there will be "no mercy"


In a radio address on Thursday, Gaddafi called pro-democracy fighters in Benghazi "armed gangsters" and urged residents to attack them.


"You all go out and cleanse the city of Benghazi," he said.

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Maybe not for it's own benefit directly but not the people of Libya either.

Those pulling the strings are the ones that profit.

Those pretending they are doing it for the good of the people.


What about all those civilians that didn't want regime change or were afraid to rebel, are we going to kill all those people too and label them insurgents ?

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Benefit? I don't think that the UN is bombing Libya for its benefit.



Libyan leader warns the people of Benghazi his army is coming with full force and there will be "no mercy"


In a radio address on Thursday, Gaddafi called pro-democracy fighters in Benghazi "armed gangsters" and urged residents to attack them.


"You all go out and cleanse the city of Benghazi," he said.


They are two sides at war,it's up to the rebels to decide if they wish to fight or not,I'm sure we could accommodate those that were unable to remain at less cost than bombing the country.

At least he has warned those people and given chance to surrender and for the women and kids to flee to safety.

It's more than those kids we murdered got.

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