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Follow-on from 'Personal and Group Training - FREE class !!

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Ok then guys. After thinking about this for the last few minutes I've decided what to do next.


Does anyone fancy a FREE fitness class in Endcliffe Park?!


Seeing as though I can't afford the licence from the council, (a licence I have to pay if I'm making money), I'll do a class for free and hopefully still raise awareness of my business.


So what I'm going to do is say meet at the entrance on Rustlings road in between the tennis club and the park at 10am on Sunday 26th June.


It will be a circuit training style class which is open to all fitness levels (so please don't be shy).


Please be aware though officially speaking this is just a group of people meeting in a park to exercise for free. There will be no health questions, no signing of disclaimers, no first aid kit and certainly no doctor. No company will be associated with this meeting.


Please tell your friends and get as many people down there as possible. If you run your own business, whether it be gardening or dog training, please feel free to join in the class and see if you can hand out your own flyers at the end.


Small businesses need every bit of help they can get with advertising. Let this be some help.


Ok then. So dig out your jogging pants, bring plenty of water and hopefully I'll see you there at 10am on Sunday 26th.


Remember. It's FREE !!!


Regards, Rob

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If it were any day but that!!! I'm going away this weekend! Shouldn't you wait until the following weekend so people have a little more time to find out about your plans? If you want, I'll put it on my Sheffield Twitter site for you. Get as many people as possible!

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Thanks once again Touchwood. If I ever need a PA or PR staff I'll definately be getting in touch with you!


Please be aware though everyone that the editor has accidently put the wrong day down. It's actually on the Sunday which is the 26th.



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