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My Magical Fridge!

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How is it every time my daughters come in they go straight to the fridge, one has her own house and i'll say are you hungry she'll say 'no i've had my tea' but keeps looking in the fridge :hihi: I barely see my youngest she lives with her head in the fridge. I've even found myself looking in there too, after them :loopy: as i thought Narnia was in there :hihi:


When they go to my moms they go in the biscuit cupboard look and come out empty handed :hihi: Have you got family who do this?


No, and I wouldn't welcome it either! Have one relative who has to look in all your cupboards whenever I first move house - I can stand the once over, once! Looking in someone elses fridge seems a bit weird though??? Never spent a second looking in my Dad's since I moved out!

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My eldest popped round with his gf the other day. They didn't have time to stay for a cuppa but in the short time they were in the kitchen half a kilo of grapes disappeared and the other half was sneaked out into their car.

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This made me laugh, I've been left home 8-9years, have my own house, 2kids...But everytime I go to me mams the first thing I do is go and have a look in the fridge, and she says the same "you hungry?", no i'm not it's just one of them 'home comforts' and because i'm nosey :hihi::hihi:


I'm exactly the same - I honestly don't know why I do it. All my sisters are the same as well. It's probably just plain nosiness and being greedy. :hihi:

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I have a magic fridge (but my dogs think I'm an exceptionally proficient hunter.)


I open the fridge door and quite often (not when I get the milk out ;)) a few seconds later, I've caught and killed something - as far as they are concerned.

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I have laughed and laughed at this thread, thankyou for that, as I was feeling very down in the dumps.My oldest son age 30, has his own home, as does my daughter at 26, but they still open the fridge, when they come to mine.


They also open any cupboard door that has food behind it, !!!!! and the freezer !!!!


MY grandsons now also do this age 4 and 10, although they do ask before if they can have something.


I must admit myself, to being a little drunk and sat crossed legged in front of the fridge,starving !!!!! I wonder if this is where its come from.

Although on thinking about this, the drunk bit was a long long time ago. :)

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The teenage son I mentioned earlier is now married and 36 but when he first married he used to visit with an empty carrier bag, and by the time he went home it was full, he would look in the cupboard, freezer and fridge and say "if you don't want this mum can we have it" and pop said item in bag.


I was going to change my name to Tesco!!

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QUOTE=curriechick;7787438]The teenage son I mentioned earlier is now married and 36 but when he first married he used to visit with an empty carrier bag, and by the time he went home it was full, he would look in the cupboard, freezer and fridge and say "if you don't want this mum can we have it" and pop said item in bag.


I was going to change my name to Tesco!!


:hihi::hihi::hihi: Mine do that as well, spec with the freezer. he he he he he

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