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Is England really in debt?

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Then I would suggest that a way out for the government would be to allow these investments to go ape shape so that investors lose their money and use the money to pay the "debt". The bankers debt was passed onto the taxpayers. It s now time for the taxpayers to pass it onto the investors .


that's an interesting idea, but it doesn't necessarily achieve anything positive.


uk government bonds are perceived as being almost zero risk, and so form the basis of most pensions both private ones and public sector ones which operate a proper scheme and not a "pay as you go" one. a default would wipe out these pension schemes leaving both current and future pensioners destitute.


it would certainly mean that no one would lend money to us again which would mean no investment in infrastructure, the end of the welfare state, the end of the nhs, pretty much the end of everything.


we would end up in a far worse state than greece is now with no way out.


much of the debt attributed to the banks has been repaid and given time and a bit of luck it all will be repaid with interest.


debt associated with the banks was always going to be transient and was handleable, a far bigger problem is the debt which has resulted from the imbalance between government income and expenditure. the narrower that gap, the less needs to be borrowed, which is what the government is attempting, rather badly, to address.

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So you want all the pension funds to lose money that they currently have, thereby leaving Pensioners with no income.

You want financial institutions to fail and therefore fail to pay out cash that individuals currently hold with them. Cash by the way that is currently guaranted by the Government and this guarantee forms part of the debt. Unless you have all your cash under the bed you'll lose out.

You want us to default spo that all our overseas lenders refuse to deal with us again. Who will a new economy deal with. Cue mass job losses and unemployment !!

You want all individual investors to lose money which I'm guessing would go down fantastically well with all concerned and finally,

you want all local governments and councils to lose money that they currently have invested and believe me they do have money invested to the tune of millions (all your council taxes, etc, etc) are held in interst bearing accounts, etc.


So, in summary a total disaster and delivered without any understanding of how the world works or what would really happen.


Well that about sums it up. I would like that. England would rise from the ashes like a phoenix. It would be leaner and meaner and the corrupt people who are the ruling classes would all be dead!:D

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Well that about sums it up. I would like that. England would rise from the ashes like a phoenix. It would be leaner and meaner and the corrupt people who are the ruling classes would all be dead!:D


Well it's now confirmed.


You are a complete and total idiot !!!!

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Well that about sums it up. I would like that.


Since it'd degenerate into the populace turning on itself once the desperation of starvation sets in, you would probably be dead. Survival of the fittest and all that ;)


England would rise from the ashes like a phoenix.


It would be disaster for the man in the street, run by criminals who've gained power in the power vacuum left after the police and government collapsed. Again, survival of the fittest.


It would be leaner and meaner and the corrupt people who are the ruling classes would all be dead!:D


Replaced by even fewer people who're more corrupt, answerable to no-one, and have no concept of the rule of law. Corruption would become a way of life for everyone on a daily basis in order to survive.

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They would not be able to look after themselves if money ceased to exist. They are not exactly hunter gatherers?:)


If,as a lot of people on this forum seem to believe,people only become rich and powerful by using foul means ( as opposed to fair) why wouldn't they be able to use these same means in your brave new world and once again become or stay powerful?

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