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Is England really in debt?

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its all in the mind! all of it! you could survive without money! if i was religious i would say money is the devil! life without money could never happen over night, it would bring horrors beyond our imaginations, BUT it would be better in the long run, but not in my life time!! would i be prepared to go through that hardship for the sake of the future??? sorry but no i wouldnt. does that make me selfish?

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Did antibiotics always exist? Did not man exist and indeed thrive before they were invented?


No, we always haven't had antibiotics, before we did you just died from the cut in your hand. Why the hell are you advocating going back to the dark ages?

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Will we ever break even and run at a profit ?


Politicians like us to think that we are in vast amounts of debt. In that way they can fool the gullible into working much harder for less and the politicians and other ruling classes will become even richer through our efforts. They cream off the fruits of our labour.

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Politicians like us to think that we are in vast amounts of debt. In that way they can fool the gullible into working much harder for less and the politicians and other ruling classes will become even richer through our efforts. They cream off the fruits of our labour.


We have nothing to lose but our chains.

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