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Is England really in debt?

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Except we have an inflation problem in the UK


We don't have an inflation problem, that is the sort of monetarist thinking that got us in to this mess. We have a self imposed austerity problem that is keeping pay rises below inflation, strangling growth and the recovery.



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We don't have an inflation problem, that is the sort of monetarist thinking that got us in to this mess. We have a self imposed austerity problem that is keeping pay rises below inflation, strangling growth and the recovery.




There is so much ignorance and contradiction in that short post that it's hard to know where to begin. Life's too short to even start.

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Why would we die if the economy collapsed?


We don't produce enough food in the UK to feed everyone...


Countries defaulting on debt is a big thing, just like individuals they'll find it difficult to ever get credit again in the future, which severely limits the governments options for spending in lean times.

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Did antibiotics always exist? Did not man exist and indeed thrive before they were invented?


You're completely right, if 90% of the population are prepared to die, and the remaining 10% are prepared to live short, hard, lives, then we can completely live without modern medicine, machines, learning, agriculture even.


I don't personally fancy an average life span of about 40 though and grubbing in the dirt for 35 of those years.

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In the same way that the taxpayers in England loaned money to our banks you mean? Banks are now back in profit, so why are we in debt?:huh:


UK banks were loaned £185bn back in 2007. To date they have repaid £148bn.




Loaning money to the banks is not the only reason why we have national debt.

Maybe this will help you.



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Did antibiotics always exist? Did not man exist and indeed thrive before they were invented?


If your happy to go back to the middle ages when life expectancy was around 30 then your welcome too. I for one would like to live into my 80s so I think I will stick with modern medical advancements. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_expectancy#Life_expectancy_variation_over_time



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yes now but i think it was the introduction to medicine making money which it does! lots of it, try watching food as medice by jeff brunani on google video( think thats a wrong surname) open your mind a bit instead of listening to the cocksure media


Whereas snake oil is given away for free. No wait ...



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I have gone through life with very few debts, always choosing to buy it when I have saved for it, with the exception of my properties and car. None of Englands debt is anything to do with me so I would like to opt out of paying any of it. How do i opt out, where would I get the form from?

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