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Reincarnation, your thoughts?

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I'm reading a book at the moment called 'children who have lived before' by Trutz Hardo, this book says you pick your parents and some people can remember who they used to be and the life they had to the point in this story they identified who murdered them in therir past lives.


I have always believed in reincarnation and the afterlife. But how about you? has anything ever made you believe in an afterlife and in reincarntion?

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As an atheist, I believe that once you die, that's it! You're dead! No afterlife, no incredibly fit female Angels guiding you off to Heaven, no nowt...

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i am in between on this subject in my ideal world i would like to think we could come back again,but a gut feeling tells me once we are dead thats it.i like the buddhist way of thinking you can come back as any living animal like a butterfly or a dog etc..a lot of hypnotist have planted previous lives in a persons head more like auto suggestion type thing.i stand on the fence here until more evidence is produced.

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It'd be nice to think it's true, but so far there's no evidence of it. I'd like to know where Trutz Hardo got his information from about the subject so I could examine it for myself.

I'm open to most possibilities as long as there's substantial evidence to back it up.

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As a kid I wanted to believe that there was more than just this - But as an adult it's looking increasingly as though this is it! Nothing else before, nothing after!!!


Very few of these kids who've lived before tales haven't been full of holes though... Only one I can think of that seemed real was a boy in India who claimed to have been a middle aged shop keeper from the other side of the country who had been shot dead years earlier... From the first time he could speak, he apparently asked after this other family, and couldn't settle with his new relatives... It took a tv crew to find the widow, and she apprently said that he knew stuff about her and her kids that a strangers child from the other side of the country could never have known... With her and her kids, he said that he felt at home... It was very odd - some things you really can't explain...

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Scenario A. You are born, and then you die. After you die, other people are born, and live their lives until they die.


Scenario B. You are born, and then you die. After you die, you are born again and live your life with absolutely no memory of your previous existence.


What's the difference?

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