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Reincarnation, your thoughts?

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As an atheist, I believe that once you die, that's it! You're dead! No afterlife, no incredibly fit female Angels guiding you off to Heaven, no nowt...


As an atheist I absolutely believe in reincarnation, some bits of me would have been a plant, another animal, a dinosaur and even a star. I have been just about everything at some point in time and I have always existed.

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Just more fairy stories for people who think they're too special for the universe to manage without them.


We are here because of a particular condition of the laws of physics. When we die, that's the end of it.


Anyone who tells you otherwise doesn't understand the laws of physics.


Enjoy it while you can. That's all folks.


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what about genetics reincarnation? so to speak, part of you was inside your grandmothers, so technically you were around (ovum/egg)20-30 yrs before you were conceived ( a theory)so couldnt this suggest that you incarnate down your genetic family line, a thought to ponder

GF xx

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I believe that time isn't completely linear and that you don't have to die in order to be reincarnated. Your reincarnated self could be out there right now.


This is what I think having read about this quite a bit.


Unlike some on here though I'm not going to proclaim this as the absolute truth and belittle anyone who believes otherwise:hihi::hihi:

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what about genetics reincarnation? so to speak, part of you was inside your grandmothers, so technically you were around (ovum/egg)20-30 yrs before you were conceived ( a theory)so couldnt this suggest that you incarnate down your genetic family line, a thought to ponder

GF xx


That's an interesting point grayface. I was looking through an old family album which my Grandmother had left when she died. And I cam across some photos of an ancestor who looked to be about seven or eight in the photos which were taken around the turn of the century.


I was taken aback to see that not only did it resemble my cousin at the same age. Besides the late Edwardian clothes they were identical!


It unnerved me a bit to be honest. Even down to the posture and expression?

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As I get older, folk who died many years ago don't seem to be as distant as they did. I can remember their voices, the way they moved and know that they are very much alive inside my head. I popped in to see my mate's grave in Bamford Church Yard at the weekend, I swear that he isn't there, I felt nothing. However I can unwittingly stray into some place that we went to together donkeys years ago, and I feel his presence very strongly.


As for reincarnation, I can never take it seriously since a pal of mine said that he wouldn't mind coming back as a ladies bicycle saddle. :hihi:

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No that makes you a narrow minded fool who has no compassion for any thing when my dad passed away the only thing that kept me going was the believe that although he was no longer with me there was something else a new life he had ventured into where he was free from pain and any kind of suffering so before you state things in such a way maybe you should button it and consider other people.

As an atheist, I believe that once you die, that's it! You're dead! No afterlife, no incredibly fit female Angels guiding you off to Heaven, no nowt...
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