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Reincarnation, your thoughts?

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Reincarnation I find comfort in the thought that we become someone or something after we pass, even more comforted by the idea we can choose who or what we shall be, but if we are reincarnated I wonder where we all come from because once upon a time I presume there may have been less living organisms years and years ago, but then maybe all the sea life and jungle inhabitants wanted to be people. Maybe that’s what happened to the puffins? Makes you think this thread !

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I always joke about reincarnation and say if I had to come back as owt it would be a pigeon

so I can poop on people from a hight, on every person that ever pooped on me


But on a serious note it is not something I believe in, I believe once we are dead we are dead.

Left to eat by maggotts and insects or burnt to a mix up of ash and done.

This is hell here on earth and there is no heaven


Just how it is your hear then your not :)

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Without getting into the "whole" proof debacle. An interesting (at least to me) side note on this is the Law of Conservation of Energy. Relativity theory shows that mass is a form of energy. And energy can neither be created nor destroyed only transformed.


And when you consider that the human brain uses between twenty and forty watts of biomed electricity. And a single human cell consumes ten to the minus twelve of a watt or a Picowatt


And that the Galileo space probes signal from Jupiter reached Earth with only one zepowatt which is ten to the minus twenty one of a watt!


It isn't too irrational to think that if such low energies are capable of transporting information through the Universe, why wouldn't it be possible for human consciousness to be relayed in some way?


Twenty or forty watts are a lot of electrical activity. And why would a universe whose central most fundamental law is the conservation of energy waste energy at human death?


Perhaps a little comfort to those who have lost loved ones?


Just a thought?

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No that makes you a narrow minded fool who has no compassion for any thing

He's a fool who has no compassion for anything? Just because he doesn't share your beliefs?

And you call HIM narrow minded!

Without getting into the "whole" proof debacle. An interesting (at least to me) side note on this is the Law of Conservation of Energy. Relativity theory shows that mass is a form of energy. And energy can neither be created nor destroyed only transformed.


And when you consider that the human brain uses between twenty and forty watts of biomed electricity. And a single human cell consumes ten to the minus twelve of a watt or a Picowatt


And that the Galileo space probes signal from Jupiter reached Earth with only one zepowatt which is ten to the minus twenty one of a watt!


It isn't too irrational to think that if such low energies are capable of transporting information through the Universe, why wouldn't it be possible for human consciousness to be relayed in some way?


Twenty or forty watts are a lot of electrical activity. And why would a universe whose central most fundamental law is the conservation of energy waste energy at human death?


Perhaps a little comfort to those who have lost loved ones?


Just a thought?


There were similar theories suggested on this thread, you may find it interesting :thumbsup:

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I don't believe in it at all but it is a lovely idea. That said, when I was little (up to being 4 or 5) I used to tell my parents about "when I a was a man and I drove lorries". I would also tell them I had a wife and children. I'm better now.

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I don't believe in it at all but it is a lovely idea. That said, when I was little (up to being 4 or 5) I used to tell my parents about "when I a was a man and I drove lorries". I would also tell them I had a wife and children. I'm better now.


I don't get why it's a lovely idea at all. :huh:


I'm a product of my upbringing, my friends and acquaintances, what I've read, learnt, what I've watched, felt, what I've laughed at, my loves, my fears, my imagination, my experiences, my memories.


If I was reincarnated, born again without those things, I'd be just as much me as anybody else born to anybody else. The latter we know happens every day, wishing for the former is not a lovely idea because it's no different.

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I don't get why it's a lovely idea at all. :huh:


I'm a product of my upbringing, my friends and acquaintances, what I've read, learnt, what I've watched, felt, what I've laughed at, my loves, my fears, my imagination, my experiences, my memories.


If I was reincarnated, born again without those things, I'd be just as much me as anybody else born to anybody else. The latter we know happens every day, wishing for the former is not a lovely idea because it's no different.


The lovely idea is that we (our souls) are on an eternal cycle and that we may remember our past lives. It is the same as religion is a lovely idea for the comfort it offers and wards of the fear of the eternity of nothingness.

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Scenario A. You are born, and then you die. After you die, other people are born, and live their lives until they die.


Scenario B. You are born, and then you die. After you die, you are born again and live your life with absolutely no memory of your previous existence.


Bingo, that's the way I've always thought of it too.


Also, that the whole concept makes no sense at all.

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The lovely idea is that we (our souls) are on an eternal cycle and that we may remember our past lives. It is the same as religion is a lovely idea for the comfort it offers and wards of the fear of the eternity of nothingness.


And you remember what about a previous existence exactly?


I no more fear a future eternity of nothingness after I die, than I do the past eternity of nothingness before I was born.


I cannot claim any certainty, so cannot claim any of crookesey's love, and will be pleasantly surprised if when I die there turns out that there is 'something' beyond our Ken. But without evidence any such 'Ken', there is no reason for wishful thinking to be happy in the life that we have.

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