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What are western values?

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I think there is no unifying conception of Western Values, the promotion or defence of which seems to be the justification behind many current military conflicts.


These values are a hypocritical smokescreen disguising the total lack of both morality and politics in modern global economics.




The short answer is personal freedom/liberty, to a point.

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Just a few names off the top of my head, and in no particular order:


Voltaire, Baron de Montesquieu, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot, Denis Diderot, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, David Hume, Adam Smith, Edward Gibbon, Immanuel Kant, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Locke, Isaac Newton, Thomas Paine, John Wilkes, Robert Ingersoll.


There is no such thing as “Western Values”, but we can be grateful for the secular values that were developed during and after the period which we call The Enlightenment.


Embracing science, reason, logic and the freedom of the individual against the superstitions, corruptions, and hypocrisy of religion and political power. Promoting the concepts of religious freedom for all, equality before the law and the supremacy of human reason. These are the values that I am grateful for, and when we allow religious and political powers to ignore them, and we have many that want to, we allow atrocities whether in “The West” or anywhere else.


That's the crux of it- we've embraced logic and reason... at least compared to the middle east and Africa.

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How about refraining from spitting in the street? Yes I know certain "western" people do it but they know it is anti- social.


the Chinese are by far the world's worst spitters.

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I think there is no unifying conception of Western Values, the promotion or defence of which seems to be the justification behind many current military conflicts.


These values are a hypocritical smokescreen disguising the total lack of both morality and politics in modern global economics.




Equal rights

human rights

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I think there is no unifying conception of Western Values, the promotion or defence of which seems to be the justification behind many current military conflicts.


These values are a hypocritical smokescreen disguising the total lack of both morality and politics in modern global economics.




There are values which Western nations broadly share and can broadly be seen as Western values, though I do not see how any of them have been used to create conflict. Certainly there are conflicts which we're involved in, but I've not heard of 'Western values' being used as justification.

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