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Did You Ever Do A Runner From A Restaurant??

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Way way back in the 60s all my mates liked nothing better than visiting Indian and Chinese restaurants for supper after a nights carousing.Most of the time everything went without a problem,but as the money got a little short towards payday I had a problem with one pal in particular who was notoriious for doing runners!.He wouldn,t say he was skint and would order off the menu as usual,I knew as soon as he started to complain about the meal I was in for a sprint for the car!,I daren,t stay put or it would be a night in the cells.He pulled it on me in the Chinese on Division St,we calmly walked out and were half way to the car when the door burst open and 3 chinese Kung Fu,s came screaming out,all armed with knives.We made the car locked the doors,they banged on the roof and rocked the car,I started up,pulled away scattering chinamen all over the place.The cheeky sod asked me to lend him money for his busfare to work next morning,that took the biscuit,he didit once too often at the chinese on West Bar,they jumped on his back,he talked his way out,payed for his supper near the roundabout opposite the copshop,cheeky bugger!:loopy::huh::huh::D:D

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Years ago a big fight broke out between staff and drunken clients in the Kashmir in the wicker.

We all walked out in the mayhem without paying,on walking down the Wicker i realised i'd forgotten my coat,i went back to find that someone had nicked it in all the fuss.

To make things worse three Indian chefs with an assortment of knives surrounded me and i was made to pay for my partys meals.

So much for my criminal career.

They all were in hysterics when i got back and didn't let it drop for months.



BTW none of them gave me their share of the bill.

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