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Jumping off bridges

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When you hit 60 posts on this forum, you will be expected to post a link to a colour photograph of your nether regions. It's not actually a rule of the forum, but it is 'common practice'.


It's a sort of induction ceremony. - Totally harmless and completely anonymous (unless, of course, you have your name tattoed on your bum.)


The link you post will only remain on the site for a few seconds (if you're lucky) or a few minutes (if you are not.)


It's a sort of 'bonding' thing. Quite harmless.

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I don't know which is more exciting...a new shed in 2 sleeps or becoming a fully fledged member in 6 posts.... both guaranteed to keep me up monitering the trolls for another night. No body hang ups here - must try harder to put me off ;)

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Sooooo getting back to the topic. Anybody jumped off a bridge for attention?


Jumping off a bridge or high building never really appealed to me. Deciding halfway down you've changed your mind could be a bit of a pain! Then there is always the possibility you'll end up paraplegic unable to correct your own mistake and stuck with living out the rest of the life, you don't want, unable to do anything. Mind you overdosing on Paracetemol, as someone I know did, is not a smart move, it takes a long time and the liver damage can be excruciatingly painful, it was at that point he called an ambulance. He died twelve months later of complicatiions due to the liver damage, the ironic bit, his depression was being controlled and he was starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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i said to the missus earlier.......its like being homeless, you get out of the loop, it becomes impossible to live "normally" with the usual responsibillities like paying bills etc etc

why have responsibillities and stress when you can just do as your told and get fed etc for it

And just WHY don't we have institutions where you can choose to do that nowadays? It would make one heck of a lot of sense!


It used to be possible to live in an establishment such as a convent under such circumstances, but we've lost nearly all of those now


Some people just DO need telling what to do, and the security of rigid routine, and I really can't see why they shouldn't have it - but a prison isn't the right place

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