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Fathers target festival in fight for fairer parenting

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Angry dads have vowed to cause bedlam at Glastonbury Festival as part of a fortnight long protest by New Fathers For Justice (NF4J).


The group, which says it is not affiliated with Fathers 4 Justice, will be holding 14 days of protest across Somerset, calling the campaign Somerset Dads' 14 Days of Chaos.


They have warned that a number of their group have tickets for Glastonbury Festival and are looking to take their protest to the festival site.


Their goal is to change the law around child custody and access, so that fathers have the same rights as mothers to see their children after a family breakdown.


Aside from the festival, they have named the Crown Court, family and magistrates courts, as well as Child Support Agency offices, as potential protest sites.


A number of Somerset MPs, including David Heath and Ian Liddell-Grainger, could also be targeted. However, Tessa Munt is being considered off-limits, after she spoke out in support of shared parenting.


NF4J are calling on their MPs to speak out in support of equality for fathers, in order to avoid finding themselves in the midst of a protest.


A spokesman for the group said: "The whole present family court system is a complete pantomime farce at best.


"It's time to take our gloves off, roll up our sleeves and expose this corruption.


"Dads are lining up to climb roofs again and cause whatever disruption necessary to highlight this injustice."


Its not just Somerset we are coming to Sheffield too !!!

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Original fathers 4 justice fronted by Matt OConnor turned into a money making sceme which he made thousands from. He even managed to open an icecream parlour with the money Dads have paid for advice. His wife Nadine is even stopping her children from seeing thier Dad she/they are hypocrytes.

The name "new fathers 4 justice" is something people will remember due to the first group butaremore ethical.

The original group charge each dad that wants advice £20 for a pdf download. Where does the money go?

New fathers 4 justice offer free advice and help where ever possible. The original group faded away whilst the "new" group are on the front line fighting for equal rights for Dads and Mums

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A few idiots are going to cause trouble and prance about on roof tops to show what good dads they are.

I' amazed they had enough brains to know where to bung their tiny dicks so they could become dads in first place.

Give it a rest; you're clearly too stupid to breed so your ex wifes must have been having an affair to get up the duff.

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Its not about prancing about on rooftops to show what good Dads we are. We are driven to this. We are good Dads when we are married but when a marraige breaks down as they sometimes do we then become unfit fathers. We are good enough to pay CSA money but not good enough to see our kids.


I stopped loving my wife not my children so why cant i see them?


All we want is the same starting point as mum to equal access to our kids. If climbing on roofs gets us noticed then so be it.

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Its not about prancing about on rooftops to show what good Dads we are. We are driven to this. We are good Dads when we are married but when a marraige breaks down as they sometimes do we then become unfit fathers. We are good enough to pay CSA money but not good enough to see our kids.


I stopped loving my wife not my children so why cant i see them?


All we want is the same starting point as mum to equal access to our kids. If climbing on roofs gets us noticed then so be it.


ahhh you made the mistake of responding to the man under the bridge. Ignore him while he is in character or it just excites him.

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