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Fathers target festival in fight for fairer parenting

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Women principally got the vote through the stolid, peaceful campaigning work of the Suffragist Movement under the leadership of Millicent Fawcett.


The more radical Suffragette movement got lots of press and is more remembered but far from being effective it if anything actually persuaded wavering MPs (who were of course the people who needed to be persuaded for the law to be changed) that women couldn't be trusted with the vote.


One of the principle features of the dark ages is the lack of reasoned thought at the time, attempting to disrupt a music festival when your goal is to get access to your children is the kind of irrational thinking the dark ages was full of.


What are the Suffragettes best remembered for? Tea cake meetings? Or protest?

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I dont think the action will spoil the festival for anyone but it will definatley make it a memorable one.

Then why did you say that you have "vowed to cause bedlam at Glastonbury Festival" how would causing "bedlam" not spoil things?


Where better to make a stand than a festival with a massive captive audience.

How about a target that has the slightest logical connection to your cause. Attempting to disrupt a popular music festival in the aid of getting access to your kids makes about as much sense as attempting to disrupting the Horse of the Year Show to try and stop Heathrow's runway expansion.


We are not bad people for wanting to see our kids as some people think we are. The idea behind the costumes is that they are memorable.

If you think wearing a costume will make you "memorable" at Glastonbury then that just shows how clueless you are, as if that wasn't already obvious.


One of our members got sent to jail for waving to his children from a bus thus breaching his court order and another was arrested and jailed for breaching an injunction but the trouble is he had to be in the same room as his ex for the custody hearing for his son. yet a Mother breaks her court order by way of with holding contact or school reports and nothing happens. That is what we are fighting against.

Imagine your neighbour phones the police and says that you burgaled them. The police come and arrest you and send you to jail without any evidence as your neighbours word is good enough. This is what happens in Family courts Mums word is good enough and no evidence is needed. The courts need bringing into line with the rest of the system. Dads need equal rights !!!

Specially which rights would these be?

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ill refer you back to this post


the main word is the word bedlam....sounds more than wearing a few masks??


One day (which i dearly hope you dont) you may lose something so dear to you that you will do anything to get it back. I lost both of my kids as a punishment from my ex and no one is there to support me through my loss. She has the full backing of the courts social services, CAFCASS, womens aid. I have no one to help me other than scam artist solicitors and a group of people who too have lost something dear (NF4J).

We are under no illusion that we can change the format of the courts but we will keep protesting to make little changes so that at least we have an even playing field.

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An automatic presumption of equal contact with the children when the parents split as a starting point.

This will give both parents equal parity of rights to see the children.

In short, we want dads to have an equal status....same as Mum!!


Children need a Father just as much as they need a Mother.

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What are the Suffragettes best remembered for? Tea cake meetings? Or protest?

Did you even read the post you quoted? The peaceful Suffragists not the more militant Suffragettes are responsible for getting women the right to vote.


As such your attempt to invoke the suffrage campaign to justify the intention to "cause bedlam at Glastonbury Festival" doesn't work. Women got the vote through decades of constitutional campaigning within the law not a few years of breaking windows, fire-bombing and falling under horses.

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An automatic presumption of equal contact with the children when the parents split as a starting point.

This will give both parents equal parity of rights to see the children.

In short, we want dads to have an equal status....same as Mum!!


Children need a Father just as much as they need a Mother.


Quite right, but your going about it in the wrong way. Totally the wrong audience, going to Glastonbury to cause as you say bedlam will do nothing for your cause.

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