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Fathers target festival in fight for fairer parenting

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Read this and then tell me what we do is wrong...............



Your not listening are you, i agree children do need a father in their lives. Your just going about it in the wrong way. Disrupting the enjoyment of 1000's of people that in all tense and purposes have nothing to do with your group will do you no good at all. Yes you may get 30 seconds on the news if you cause bedlem but youll just come across as idiots and trouble makers.


There are much better ways of getting your message across.

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I thought with a name like "PLEKHANOV" you would have been all for political activism?

So you completely ignore all the content of my previous post addressed to you and instead attempt a personal attack. Seems a rather standard Fathers 4 Justice approach.

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Did you even read the post you quoted? The peaceful Suffragists not the more militant Suffragettes are responsible for getting women the right to vote.


As such your attempt to invoke the suffrage campaign to justify the intention to "cause bedlam at Glastonbury Festival" doesn't work. Women got the vote through decades of constitutional campaigning within the law not a few years of breaking windows, fire-bombing and falling under horses.


I have not supported 'bedlam at Glastonbury Festival', I stated that a valid protest on this matter is very much a way forward. I think you're latter point as regards 'Women got the vote through decades of constitutional campaigning within the law' is open to historical debate. A quick google search on Suffragettes will show images of protest. What a surprise.

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Quite right, but your going about it in the wrong way. Totally the wrong audience, going to Glastonbury to cause as you say bedlam will do nothing for your cause.


Quite. I can scarcely imagine a more inappropriate place to protest.

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What these men's groups do.. their actions etc are not all that different from the women's rights protestors of years gone by.


Yet people are calling them idiots. It worked for women didn't it?

No it didn't, if you actually study the the history of the franchise you'll find the actions of the extremist suffragettes were rather counter-productive & made MPs less inclined to vote for bills giving women the right to vote.

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OK so this may help some understand the reasons and why we do the things we do...We are simply loving fathers who will actively help, support, encourage and publicize non-violent direct action in the name of Fathers rights.

As you may know, our brand image is the superhero, as every child’s superhero is their Daddy. We are a “tragic comedy” in a real life play.




We have tried lobbying through the correct channels, but to no avail.


Dads don’t get equal parity of rights in relation to child contact in the event of the parents splitting. We believe that direct action is the only way to keep the pressure on the Government, CMEC, Family Law system and those that support them to force a change.


We all saw what happens when pressure is put on MP's and Government during the "MP's expenses scandal". They have changed 250 years of tradition and culture within a matter of months!!!

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Yet people are calling them idiots. It worked for women didn't it?


They're not being called idiots because of what they are trying to achieve, they're being told that causing "bedlam" at a music festival which is mostly attended by young people who don't have children and who have paid huge sums of money to attend, is far more likely to damage their cause than help it.


Any news coverage they do manage to attrack will probably be a few seconds consisting of "security staff escorted the group, claiming to be from "new fathers for justice" from the site after an incident near the main stage". There will be no live coverage of them (although maybe the aftermath if they do something major).

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I dont think the action will spoil the festival for anyone but it will definatley make it a memorable one. Where better to make a stand than a festival with a massive captive audience.

We are not bad people for wanting to see our kids as some people think we are. The idea behind the costumes is that they are memorable.

One of our members got sent to jail for waving to his children from a bus thus breaching his court order and another was arrested and jailed for breaching an injunction but the trouble is he had to be in the same room as his ex for the custody hearing for his son. yet a Mother breaks her court order by way of with holding contact or school reports and nothing happens. That is what we are fighting against.

Imagine your neighbour phones the police and says that you burgaled them. The police come and arrest you and send you to jail without any evidence as your neighbours word is good enough. This is what happens in Family courts Mums word is good enough and no evidence is needed. The courts need bringing into line with the rest of the system. Dads need equal rights !!!


But in your opening post you use the following terms.


Vowed to cause bedlam.


Somerset Dads' 14 Days of Chaos.


Cause whatever disruption necessary.

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No it didn't, if you actually study the the history of the franchise you'll find the actions of the extremist suffragettes were rather counter-productive & made MPs less inclined to vote for bills giving women the right to vote.


Change will happen, remember the poll tax? How many Tory MP's disowned that? Do you really think, without massive protests, that the poll tax would still be with us?

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I have not supported 'bedlam at Glastonbury Festival', I stated that a valid protest on this matter is very much a way forward. I think you're latter point as regards 'Women got the vote through decades of constitutional campaigning within the law' is open to historical debate.

Not particularly, when I at least studied this particular extension of the franchise historians were pretty unanimous in giving the credit to the Suffragists & pointing out how inaccurate the popular, media driven, understanding of the process is.


A quick google search on Suffragettes will show images of protest. What a surprise.

Well of course it will because that's what the Suffragettes did. Again you seem not to have read the post you are trying to respond to, the Suffragettes were militants who broke the law, the Suffragists were moderates who campaigned within it.

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