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Fathers target festival in fight for fairer parenting

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To quote Halibut " With an attitude like yours I'm not surprised their mum wants to keep you at arms length. " Ding Ding Ding Ding +1


Your just going to come across as a bunch of thugish goons.


Maybe but it will raise awareness. We are not violent as some people seem to think. On sunday we were at ken Clarkes home protesting outside his house. There were 50 ish protesters and 4 police officers all of which got on quite well. No arrests and no warnings we are not students !!!

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After the SHAM of an "interim" report into family law.......................

The ladders and climbing boots are being polished and readied for action again !

This Feminazi government were warned of the consequences of yet another sham into this child abusing and money making racket and now the time has come to show them we will no longer tolerate this abuse of our children.

Oh dear, it only took a few posts for your misogyny to become clear.


The term "Feminazi" is pretty silly at the best of times, when applied to a government led by David Cameron however it's beyond ridiculous :loopy:

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After the SHAM of an "interim" report into family law.......................

The ladders and climbing boots are being polished and readied for action again !

This Feminazi government were warned of the consequences of yet another sham into this child abusing and money making racket and now the time has come to show them we will no longer tolerate this abuse of our children.


Has it occurred to you that using terms like 'Feminazi' might make you sound like an embittered misogynist?


Looks like PR isn't your strong point - and if you succeed in causing major disruption t Glastonbury you'll turn the weight of public opinion against you?

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Maybe but it will raise awareness. We are not violent as some people seem to think. On sunday we were at ken Clarkes home protesting outside his house. There were 50 ish protesters and 4 police officers all of which got on quite well. No arrests and no warnings we are not students !!!


No, they tend to make a better job of it.

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How many MP's changed their minds after the poll tax protests? Don't you believe in protests at all? Would you rather sit in a room singing the mantra 'Everything is OK, I have no problems, pull the ladder up?'


MPs changed their mind when public opinion was changed / confirmed and they had to change in order to have a chance of rewinning their seats. The kind of protest that the OP is suggesting will not have public support behind it, so it's unlikely to make any MPs change their stances.


The OP says getting public support to write to MPs expressing their support for NF4J is a waste of time as it's been done before, so surely this also means he/they have another plan for getting the law changed which doesn't involve public or MP support.


To the OP: If you do get something going at Glasto, and the crowds start chucking drinks up to you, I would recommend giving the "apple juice" a miss. ;)

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Ok i admit i may have used emotive language using bedlam but it is something that i strongly support.


Having a hole that you cant fill hurts. Those kids are part of me and i have spent 10 years teaching them how to respect other people and to be the best they can be and to have that ripped away from you in an instant stinks.


Some people fill the hole with drink and or drugs I try and fill the hole with the missing peice and if I have to campaign to get that peice then that is what i shall do.


I have sold everything that is worth seling to fund my fight and i will never give up. For me to spend 90mins /fortnight with my kids it costs around £600/month as they relocated to the south coast.


How can you say that the government are't feminazi when the courts are totally one sided towards the Mother?

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MPs changed their mind when public opinion was changed / confirmed and they had to change in order to have a chance of rewinning their seats. The kind of protest that the OP is suggesting will not have public support behind it, so it's unlikely to make any MPs change their stances.


The OP says getting public support to write to MPs expressing their support for NF4J is a waste of time as it's been done before, so surely this also means he/they have another plan for getting the law changed which doesn't involve public or MP support.


To the OP: If you do get something going at Glasto, and the crowds start chucking drinks up to you, I would recommend giving the "apple juice" a miss. ;)


In a nut shell. Many MP's have zero morality. This cause is real. And we need to get the message out. I dispute you're claim that 'means he/they have another plan for getting the law changed which doesn't involve public or MP support'. How on earth is the public going to know about this cause? It is not popular due to the nature of the media. Have a story of some minor celeb? All over the front page. This movement has no real 'celebs', it's all word of mouth and growing. And many are extremely upset about the way they are treated by a corrupt system which denies access to their sons and daughters.

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So what you are saying is that we should go to London and smash the place up?


No, I'm saying you should avoid making meaningless and hollow threats, avoid using confrontational language and pouring bile on women - and especially avoid disrupting an event that's wholly unconnected with your protest and will make people despise you.

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