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Referee wanting regular saturday matches

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Right and does this person "off the street" no all the rules?!

Without referees there wud be no local football so be quiet mate! Also bit hard to be qualified wen its the iff season. Pipe down


Sheff, i will check my diary because the ko is quite late n i have a wedding to shoot in the evening, there any chance of a 11 or 12pm ko?!


if your reffing is as good as your spelling i wouldnt bother,

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reason for £15 is that it is off season I want to build partnerships with teams! I had to let down a guy last weekend as I was very ill, something I hate to do! However I am well enough to do it right. I charge premium during season when teams are taking subs to cover match fees and ref fees! Cheers Mac yeah most people quit because of the abuse, as a ref you have to stamp your authroity early and I am not someone who holds back the cards!


Sheff grow up mate, you never spoken in text speak before? If you so wish contact sheff FA and ask what results I got in my refs exams! ill tell you - 92% for written and practical!

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