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Help with dog fighting


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Hi i am absalutly devastated my dogs have just had a fight and i honestly thought they where going to kill each other


Now before you judge my dogs are brilliant with kids other dogs cats everything i even own cats myself


They have had fights before one looked pritty bad and at the time i decided to cage them seperate at all times avoid leaving them alone and monitor when there playing so it dosnt go too far and this worked no fights for afew months


Untill recently the only things that have changed are a friend has moved in for afew days she has been here a wekk but herself ownes 4 dogs so you can imagine its a house full with my 3 aswell as her 4 but they have got on well so far


I have also given my friend the bedroom as it has a lock and her dog dosnt like cats so its the only room he can sleep in and not have to be caged at night my dogs cages are in there so i've been letting them sleep in living room with me all together


I myself have had a lot of grief and stress these past few months i have suffered a familly loss the loss of a pet a loss of a friends dog who i watched be put to sleep as he had gotten parvo and afew other personal things so i have been feeling off and low myself


Soo today we dicided to take the dogs on the garden like i said i monitor when there playing i was detracted by a nabour for 2 minnits then suddenly my dogs has attcked each other and blood was everywhere as you can imagine i ran straight after them grabbed my female and got her mouth off my other female but was unable to release my other females grip a friend come to assist me and shaken up i checked there wounds now i must stress i had the dogs and they where just pulling me along as they attacked each other and i will admit i had paniced and shouted and even slapped it was in panic and i feel so bad but i didnt know what to do they wouldnt let go and they have never had a fight that was like this


So i tended to there wound after seperating them i was outside with one female and a friend had my other inside my porch for around 3 minnits i let my female back in and took them upstairs both seemed shaken and i have tended to there wounds and come into my living room sat crying my eyes out and full of worry i need some help


Can i keep these together or am i best serperating them???

it is my stress there feeling??

is it the stress of being around so many other dogs ??? ( mine have had it as normal as they can i have not shoved them out and the only thing to change is me and them sleeping in the living room )

can i get someone to tell me how to get more controle???


I love both my dogs and i am so upset and i do not want to rehome any at all please help


Also my 2 female since being bathed and cleaned one of my females has been licking the other clean and they are now laid together curled up asleep but i can not have fights like this if i had been alone it could have been a diffrent story all together as i just couldnt seperate them and it took a while with 2 of us trying


I dont know if it helps but one female is done the other isnt and both have had a litter one is a staffy and the other is a shar pei mixed breed both are loving the shar pei is laid back relaxed and like an old lady 99% of the time but she dose have the odd play about my other female is alittle more snappy and growly and bossy but she backs off straight away near enough with other dogs and she mostly just wants to play and shes very effecinate not only to me but the other dogs she often grooms and cleans my female and male dog also she is having a fantom prengnacy i think at the minnit the only other information i can think off is they hump each other alot i do stop this though


Thankfull for any good advice i cant go through what i just went through again and again xXx

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I think your stress will be playing a big part in it.

Stress is a weakness, and if you are being seen as 'weak' i think the other two females will be thinking they need to be boss and in control, as you are not. Perhaps this is why they are fighting? Two dominant females, as you are not seen as the boss?


You say both have had litters, and one is having a possible phantom pregnancy currently, have you not considered spaying? This can cause a lot of problems - hormonal females, and could be a cause for fighting (like one being in season or phantom pregnancy).

It's also much healthier to be spayed.


I think you should get a trainer in to come and assess these two girls and see why they are like this.

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Please read back over what you have written - the non spayed dogs - the stress, the bringing in of new dogs and new people - your dogs are going through hell and you arent on top of the situation you are putting them under.


Get sorted with them - keep them seperate and don't be laxidazy about it. If you allow the dogs to run free - don't chat to the neighbours - keep an eye on them. I would suggest you don't let them run free but get them all out walking and keep them seperate until your friend moves back out with her dogs. this is the major cause of the problems you have in there.


Once the friend moves out, get your other dog spayed. It may be too late - but at least its a chance. Once dogs have a fight - its not easy for them to forget it - but you have to be the one that ensures it stops right here and now and take control of it.


I hope your household settles down soon and things dont get out of control again.

good luck

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What Rain said - especially having the second bitch spayed - though don't expect this to cure everything instantly


humping is a display of dominance btw


Dogs often don't distinguish between canine and human members of their pack, so count the people in when you're assessing their interactions and behaviours. You've increased the pack size considerably by including all these other dogs and another human.


You've been displaced from the bed of the top dog in the pack, so it's fair game to squabble for pack leader if you've relinquished your throne so easily (think 'dog')


Most people don't realise how big an impact hormones have on dogs - not just their own or each others, but when their human is 'in season' too! If either you or your friend is 'in season', this can be cause for squabbling over breeding rights, without you even realising it... and if your friend is in the best bed, and in season too.... nuff sed!


Btw, was this a male neighbour you were speaking to?


Stay on top of this pair. Given the info you've already stated, it may not be necessary to completely isolate them from each other (but only you know for sure), and manage their interactions strictly - i.e. don't allow them to interact. They need to know YOU are in control, and what you say goes, that way they don't need to fight to be top dog as you've already demonstrated that's your job

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omg hun ur in a 1 bed flat and more dogs are there?i have mentind before in the past to stop doin it as there not enough room,itl be to much also i know u wantd to breed again but defo a bad idea fights wil get worse now ones spayd and one isent,get your friends dogs out and think bot u and your own dogsx

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What do you mean about breeding and 1 bedroom flat - omg I had missed those bits obviously


no wonder your world is in turmoil

get it back on track for the dogs sake - they need clear leadership from you and for gods sake don't breed any more staffies - there are so many being killed in our area - if you need proof i will show you things to break your heart - never mind producing more to be killed



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What do you mean about breeding and 1 bedroom flat - omg I had missed those bits obviously


I have also given my friend the bedroom as it has a lock and her dog dosnt like cats so its the only room he can sleep in and not have to be caged at night my dogs cages are in there so i've been letting them sleep in living room with me all together

I'm guessing from mummysaz's post that this isn't exactly penthouse flat proportions :(
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Look noone know the situation my friend is in its here or the street so i would prefer that not to be judged and it was never perminent and yes i live in a flat but like i said its here or street she has no choice.


ok i need to claim dominace so how ??


So far i eat first then feed them

They are sent to bed while i eat

They sometimes sleep in bed with me

they wait behond me before walking downstairs

they never go out of the door before me

they sit outside offlead at the door till i close and lock it

then they follow me offlead to garden not far mind you

then they sit befor being told they can go on garden

i have issues with pulling on lead this has got better though

they are not allowed on my sofa they have there own bed

i dont know what else i need to do but i will try anything


I dont feel they need completely seperating they are all now laid on there bed asleep i just wont be ever leaving them alone and will be keeping my eye on them all time


I come on here for advice about the dogs fighting rather stick to that issue thankyou.

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the only problem I can see on that list is them sleeping on the bed with you


I still think you've got a problem with their perception of pack dynamics recently, and I still think hormones are a large part of it, which will be addressed, at least in part, by spaying the second dog

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I can easily stop the sleeping on the bed thats not a problem with me i seperate them normally in there cages but they have the door open and i usually wake up with them all in one cage together


Isn't there anything else aswell as her being spayed i just know her personallity is it really going to help her or is it just a hit and miss thing it might it might not? i need other things to try aswell anyone know any dog trainer who can come and see what i can do more to claim dominance with them


i do think myself deep down that its the other dogs and my imotions as we had all been finally getting back on track no accidents in house no fights or even growls they where listening more doing better with training but its not somthing i choose i didnt want 7 dogs here i am depressed by the mess and i like to have my own space and relax at night in bed with my cats i just didnt realise it would cause this all i know now is i cant throw someone on stret and i cant have another fight these dogs grew up together they have had 2 serious fights in there 3 years together including the one today seeing them today has frightened the hell out of me i know they would never hurt me or any person but to have such hate for each other so quickly they where playing then it changed so quick


i suppose my other issue is this might only be the second fight but i have to watch them constantly or it would be more they only get on when there grooming or sleeping not playing it escerlates in minnits


How should i react when my staffy plays and she snaps and growls but its always seemed playful to me as she backs off when it gets in to a scrap shoud i stop this to teach her i wont accept any snapping or growling shes very stubburn at times and i often tell her off alot for it but its never stopped her for long do i remove the toy there playing wth it it goes too far ? any information appriciated thanks x

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