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Help with dog fighting


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Don't let them 'play' :)


This isn't a Disney film, it's real life ;)


You have two breeds there that are prone to dominant/possessive behaviour. 'Play' is only reenactment, so it CAN get out of hand. Teach them to behave in a civilised fashion around each other. If you go to a serious dog show, you won't find any of the hundreds of dogs there 'playing' with each other


And get your mate sorted out with housing (when you fill the forms in, it's your mate who is sleeping on the floor btw ;) ). You can't go on like this. If you stay this stressed out something more serious COULD happen


Btw - you mentioned 'accidents' - those are often very deliberate scent marking, which is linked into the dominance/pack climbing/fighting for breeding rights thing, so I'm sorry, but I still think spaying is going to be part of the solution for you

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Oh no my male was very persistant in being dominant over me but he had learnt he was doing incredibly well untill the stress hes even had a wee on my sofa and he isnt even allowed on there but no he was having issues with having a wee in the cage at night and sometimes he would wee as i was getting ready to take him out but he now been afew months with only very few accidents in the cage and there normally done wen i go out not at night wen they slept in there when he was younger he would do his buisness on my bed i was not happy as you can imagine but i persisted and his only fault now is barking at stranger and not listening when i tell him to leave and running off the garden when he gets over excited playing with my female dog other than that hes a big softie who loves attention i've found he listens alot more now while training if i use food and praise aswell


they had only slept on the bed 3 nights before everything kicked off and my mate had to stay here and now i have given them there own bed in the living room there flaked out on it now all cuddled up like nothing ever happened x

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my opinion is that it must be how your acting round them, they will be picking up on that, as for them sleeping on the bed with you, iv always let dogs sleep with me on the bed, my previous 1 did, and my current 2 do aslo. i currently have 2 american bulldogs, mum an pup an they both sleep with me an my oh and they know whos boss, they know im the leader and what i say goes. the mum to pup doesnt listen to my oh much when im there as she knows im the leader, but when im not there she knows my oh is the leader so like i said, as for sleeping on the bed its really your choice but i could only think that the only problem could be how your acting and your stress is what could be causing it, but im no expert. hope it helps :)

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from my experiance you and youre dogs are in a dangerous situation , the dogs are feeling they have lost their leader(due to you being stressed)plus new dogs coming on the scene = trouble & some nasty fights, I would recomend alternate crating untill you feel you are in a possition to re take control,Be calm & assertive in doing this put them in their cages and only let them out when you want them out ,feed them at a time you set dont deviate from this it may take up to 3 week of this but they should see that you control them ie.letting them out when you say etc.whilst you are doing this limit the amount you speak to them & try to give one word instructions, this sounds harsh i know but its one way to regain control. i have 14 dogs & i have to resort to this now and again when i have had to spend time away, hope this helps ,must be worth a try ?

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thanks 4 avn a go at me on fb : ( you asked 4 advice i gave it,fact is carly u have an intact male,yes his mum is spayd but he is neitha is the staffy becouse u wana breed her again,that is 100 percent guna cause problems told you this before,its ok having a go at me but its good constructive advice you need to tel the the whole story for them to help sory but the truth u knw a love ya bt disagree with things nowt wil change. bithaway the flat thing aint an issue becouse u have a hugh gardn and a lovly flat but it is far to many 3 dogs 2 cats kittens n wateva ur m8s gt,it is to much,your m8 nds to move the dogs

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Another note as a possibility..


If a bitch is thinking she's dominant, and has had a litter of puppies previously, this will only strengthen that feeling. In wolves only the alpha female has puppies.. And so far one of your possibly dominant personalities has previously had puppies - do you see where i am heading? If you are not being seen as boss, and allowing your dominant female to have puppies then you are just probably reinforcing this.


Just a thought. Too many unwanted dogs, plus you are having clear behavioural problems.. I'd say that would point strongly to you getting them spayed ASAP.

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thats exacly what i meant you explaind it better lol

Another note as a possibility..


If a bitch is thinking she's dominant, and has had a litter of puppies previously, this will only strengthen that feeling. In wolves only the alpha female has puppies.. And so far one of your possibly dominant personalities has previously had puppies - do you see where i am heading? If you are not being seen as boss, and allowing your dominant female to have puppies then you are just probably reinforcing this.


Just a thought. Too many unwanted dogs, plus you are having clear behavioural problems.. I'd say that would point strongly to you getting them spayed ASAP.

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Sarah are you joking me right i wont continue this on here but your my mate or was and could have rang me instead of making me out to sound awfull on here


cats are not an issue so y did that need to be brough up??? im on here for help so having a go cause i want to breed kai wasnt called for you know how people judge on here they know nothing about me and i wanted to avoid the whole get them spayed and people having a go if it helped id do it so dont make out im a bad owner who wont spay even if it starts fight just so she can breed her dog


And i'm in middle of getting all my pets spayed all the cats and my female is done male dogs next


I'm willing to do anything to controle then and i am not lazy with them i have been up and down all day everytime they play i stand and correct ther behavour and now they have been looking at each other then me and then laying down together i think thats progress there cirrently asleep on there bed and they slept together at night i wont change this as they do get upset when there seperated at night


my friend is looking for a place and we will just cope untill she has a place i could not see her out on the street and my dogs will be getting alot of training and once my friend has moved out i will be back into my old rutine as this kept them at bay before as for my stress that wont go i'm afraid and even though it's seen as a weakness i will be making the extra effore to assert myself with them xXx

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Can i just add that i am not a bad owner and i have even had a call from the rspca before and the women did say i had alot of animals and she had no conserns at all except the male cat not being neutured ( he is now done though ) and me having 3 females in house ( i now only have 2 has a female i had would not settle and was being attcked by one of my other females so she has been rehomed) the 1 who went is done and my females are not but will be getting done and are indoor cats my dogs are with me i'd say 80% of the time and there caged when i'm out they used to sleep in cages at night aswell with door open they now sleep in living room they go on walks every day now as i had previously slacked with this and i spend one on one every day for around 30 minnit with each dogs ( i split this up with 10 minnit sessions a day per dog) i think i do well and there very very loved and cared for i feel like i look so awful on here i know my situation sound bad and i understand the stress but all dogs that are here are basicly split up in cages and have diffrent parts of house they have acsess to aswell as walks and a large garden on the back its only fault is no fencing but i have just applied for it all to be done


sorry about the ramble i just thought id state that i'm a good owner

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