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Help with dog fighting


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I'm confused..


I have suggested for one getting a trainer in to work with you and the dogs.

There are many on here suggested, such as PJ training, Lotti on here trains also.


Others have suggested, from experience, that alternative/rotational crating is the way forward, whilst your friend is staying and you are struggling to keep on top of everything and feeling stressed. This way you can ensure no more serious fights between dogs, and is a temporary measure.


However, you don't seem to be willing at all to take on the advice?

Just the impression i am getting from you. You want it all to stop and say you will do anything, but don't seem to be wanting to do what any ones suggested :?:


Edit: Oh, and yes, i would totally control their 'playing'. Snapping and growling as a combination doesn't sound very playful to me, and by telling them to stop and calming them down during play is also a way of showing leadership.

And about getting your dogs neutered and spayed.. Why can you not do it now? I believe you can get vouchers for free spaying and neutering with your breeds as they are targeted breeds for the abuse of over breeding. Your friend hinted at you possibly wanting to breed more from your dogs.. This will probably be a very bad idea all round, and i think (whilst none of us can force you) you need to seriously consider the advice on here to NOT go forward with any more breeding.

Also, are all your dogs up to date with vaccinations? Mixing with other dogs that may or may not be vaccinated is dangerous, as well as vice versa if your dogs are not up to date.

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They dont need to be crated and i have took advice i have been making sure i am watching them asserted my dominace ive stepped up and i have them seperate for abit when i'm not around i have been making them sit paw over and over and training sessions seperate i have been lazy last few days due to stress but i am not doing it now and i am making sure they is no opatunity for them to fight now sorry if you feel im not trying or willing i dont want them caged up i want them out i only use the cage for sleeping and when i go out and i dont even close it when sleeping my friends dogs are caged in diffrent parts of flat in groups well couples so they feel more settled as her poor dog who dosnt like cats normally has run and u can imagine hes not liking the cage and her husky chews and howls when caged but settles more now shes cages next to the male she likes


I have also just remembered ( i dont know how i forgot ) my friends female husky is in season could this be causeing any hormone changes and making it worse???


I cant kick someone or animals on streets so please dont reply saying get them dogs outthanks x

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1 bed flat + 7 dogs+3 cats+ any kittens left = very upset dogs,she obv thinks am being nasty but i care bout her welfare as much as the animals


Good lord. No wonder the dogs are fighting, they're probably frustrated at being cramped up and having their home invaided by your friend and her dogs.

I think your loyalties should be to your animals and not your friend. I understand that you are just being kind and helpful but she needs to take care of herself or stay with family or friends who have more space if she can't find anywhere permanent. As a friend, she should recognise that she's putting a big strain on you.

Hope you work it out.

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I have also just remembered ( i dont know how i forgot ) my friends female husky is in season could this be causeing any hormone changes and making it worse???



Yes, yes it will.


I worry for all dogs involved.

Huskies for one will easily get stressed being cramped up without enough mental and physical stimulation (remember, they are a working breed made to run mile upon mile all day everyday).


This is all a bit of a messed up situation. Quite a nightmare.

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if ive made you sound bad i apologise,i statd the truth,you do want to breed your stafy,sory but its a fact and very relevant to the situatin as people have pointd out. what is the point in asking for help but nt telin em the. whole story n thnkn spayn has nwt to do with it,get them al spayd and neuterd is al am sayn

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how people judge on here they know nothing about me and i wanted to avoid the whole get them spayed and people having a go if it helped id do it so dont make out im a bad owner who wont spay even if it starts fight just so she can breed her dog


As one of the pet group leaders I do get dismayed that people feel they cannot be honest when asking for advice because they feel that they will be judged. However I do think people generally give good advice and to do this they need to know the facts.


The majority of people will not agree with the way the dogs are kept/ bred/ not neutered and will in my opinion quite rightly say so. However they will also offer advice and as a lot of your problems seem to be due to areas around this it is hard to separate the two.


I think you know some of the answers but are secretly hoping for a magic cure that does not involve possible spaying, reducing the number of dogs in the property and getting a trainer in. Unfortunately without taking this advice I can't see how you are going to move forward :(

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for gods sake carly help yourself u mite not like what i say but im sick of teling you then you coming winging on here,bengal is 11 month and stil not neutered,only 1 fematke neuterd,breeding other,youve also waitd til both cats had litters before male is dun.females you have a voucher to do it free but stil there nt. done,take the advice carly i am ur m8 n a do love u wich is y am sayn this so bluntly

Can i just add that i am not a bad owner and i have even had a call from the rspca before and the women did say i had alot of animals and she had no conserns at all except the male cat not being neutured ( he is now done though ) and me having 3 females in house ( i now only have 2 has a female i had would not settle and was being attcked by one of my other females so she has been rehomed) the 1 who went is done and my females are not but will be getting done and are indoor cats my dogs are with me i'd say 80% of the time and there caged when i'm out they used to sleep in cages at night aswell with door open they now sleep in living room they go on walks every day now as i had previously slacked with this and i spend one on one every day for around 30 minnit with each dogs ( i split this up with 10 minnit sessions a day per dog) i think i do well and there very very loved and cared for i feel like i look so awful on here i know my situation sound bad and i understand the stress but all dogs that are here are basicly split up in cages and have diffrent parts of house they have acsess to aswell as walks and a large garden on the back its only fault is no fencing but i have just applied for it all to be done


sorry about the ramble i just thought id state that i'm a good owner

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i worry for her,its who dylan and. jazmin came from love her to bits bt a think its time things changd for her and dogs and cats dont want to loose a friendship over this,carly we al love you babe just please al neuterd n spayd al even help with cash wich i have ofrd b4

As one of the pet group leaders I do get dismayed that people feel they cannot be honest when asking for advice because they feel that they will be judged. However I do think people generally give good advice and to do this they need to know the facts.


The majority of people will not agree with the way the dogs are kept/ bred/ not neutered and will in my opinion quite rightly say so. However they will also offer advice and as a lot of your problems seem to be due to areas around this it is hard to separate the two.


I think you know some of the answers but are secretly hoping for a magic cure that does not involve possible spaying, reducing the number of dogs in the property and getting a trainer in. Unfortunately without taking this advice I can't see how you are going to move forward :(

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i worry for her,its who dylan and. jazmin came from love her to bits bt a think its time things changd for her and dogs and cats dont want to loose a friendship over this,carly we al love you babe just please al neuterd n spayd al even help with cash wich i have ofrd b4


If cash is the problem the dogs trust do vouchers for neutering status breeds like staffies. They don't give out info on it though so it's best to ask Rain Rescue who have the info about it. I agree neutering the dogs would help get this situation under control.

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