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Help with dog fighting


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yup and u knw 1 of pups is being bred. and done nowt,also kc registerd mum means nothing with out kc puppys and we both know they. wernt,shes not a breeding bitch shes a pet,your not a reputable breeder,you just threw 2 staffs togeather,but im bitter becouse i hate breeding unles its done propperly

I do not have too many animals. If you think i'm not a good owner you clearly have no idea at all. All this started because everyone think all im out to do is breed my dog, if you think that wrong again!! The situation isn't good for me, the animals, my friend or her animals but its a situation that has happened I think your evil if you think i should throw someone on the streets it might be best for me and my dogs but how can any human throw someone else on the street maybe i'm just a soft touch!!!


I have no problem watching my dogs. As for people like me causing the reputation for bull breed being bad dogs, my dogs are brilliant apart from my 2 females with each other!! With other dogs there great and cats children people they are brilliant dogs and people who are scared of bull breed have been here and its not took them long to see there not what people make then out to be at all there good dogs who people can't control somtimes or let dominate them. I cant have lost all controle as if i had wouldn't they be fighting all the time 2 fghts in 3 years here dont forget and yes they have both had a litter one was planned the other was not at all i never wanted her to have a litter at all with me not having a male i just didnt feel the need for her to be done i had been told they can turn nasty and i didnt want to risk any changes as it was great they even fed each others litters and cared for all the pups together and where fine for a long time after the first fight was when i caged them while i hoovered and mopped up i didnt even know what started it they had slept together and been caged together all the time before that as they cried for each other. things soon settled again untill yesterday and i can see why there stressed i'm asking for help to make a bad situation better. there being controled the stress i'm under from my loss i cannot help trust me i miss him like mad i'd love to not think about him and get stressed and down but i am making sure i am asserting myself people on here are sometime just nasty for sake of it. I am not going to get rid of any of my dogs i am not going to throw my friend and dogs out i am going to keep on top of everything, never leave them alone, keep up with training and walks aswell has getting a trainer in if he says my females will live hapily together spayed in the long run once things are back to normal ill do it weather i want to breed her is my buisness noone elses in my eyes like i said if it will help i will be doing it. People have the face on with me cause i own a breeding staffy do people know shes kc register shes had all her health checks shes in good health all round her temprament is spot on no they dont care and i know someone will give me the lecture about rescues i can assure you i will be taking any of kais pups back that have to be rehomed. I have done it with her previous pup and i am still in touch with everyone of them even my other dogs litter i know where all 12 pups are i only had one be returned to me and she is now rehomed and i keep in touch with her aswell there where 13 but sadly one passed away in her new home but she was loved up untill she got ill and passed.


I'm not gonna bother asking about anything else on here again cause your so judgemental everyone who has ever been in this house has said i have alot of animals and complimented me on how well looked after they are and how relaxed and laid back they are with there tempraments just because where in a stressful position dose not mean they are not looked after or loved and it dose not mean i am i bad owner cause i know i'm not.


i asked for help and advice the advice i have gotten has all been taken in and i am more than willing to get my dog spayed if thats the advice a trainer who as assest the situation gives me but people are acting like thats the only thing to do. I disagree even if shes done it might solve nothing and i will be needing other things and i will try everything before i part with one i just couldnt imagine not having one of them here there like my familly there the only ones who are allways here no matter what there not pets there family my family. Hoogies the one who sits next to me when i cry or am upset and follows me when i think about my grandad and its like she knows i'm down and upset about his loss she often sits by my side instead of playing with the other dogs shes very very lazy and hates having her nails cut haha and kai is full of life and loves to play shes abidient knows most commands shes friendly and loves kids shes often found in the cat litter tray if i leave the gate open i use to stop her, or shes throwing her toys around the room she rarely sleeps i know everything about them i've never been away from them for than seven days at one whole time i love them and i am making every effort to find my friend a home so i can get back to me and my family back to my dogs and how we where before as i had nothing to complaine about before there great dogs and this is an awful situation for us al to be in think what you may about me but i and people who know me know i am a good owner to all my animals through good and bad times.

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