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Mens Lynx Deodorant Body Spray - Rant

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Why the hell are you putting it on your chest? Stop doing it!

I smell like a clean human being and wash regularly with soap and water.


It's a deodorant, I spray it on my chest and under my arms as you are supposed to (after washing with soap and water) I can't reach my back very well but I can reach my a r s e , should I just stick to that region instead? Though I wouldn't want a rash there, very nasty.

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thats probably called bodyspray. why, where else is it supposed to be used?


Why does your body need spraying with anyhing? Is there something wrong with you?


You've bought into a massive marketing con; more fool you.


By all means wash regularly but spraying yourself all over with scented chemical crap that you pay for strikes me as the height of stupidity.

Do you buy scented wipes to clean your backside with too?

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It's a deodorant, I spray it on my chest and under my arms as you are supposed to (after washing with soap and water) I can't reach my back very well but I can reach my a r s e , should I just stick to that region instead? Though I wouldn't want a rash there, very nasty.


Are you really admitting to spraying your own arse with deodorant?


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Why does your body need spraying with anyhing? Is there something wrong with you?


You've bought into a massive marketing con; more fool you.


By all means wash regularly but spraying yourself all over with scented chemical crap that you pay for strikes me as the height of stupidity.

Do you buy scented wipes to clean your backside with too?


no, but i suppose you use a toothbrush on yours? yes? but god forbid it should be minty toothpaste, oh no, that smells too nice and is chemical crap. do you rub with bicarb?

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no, but i suppose you use a toothbrush on yours? yes? but god forbid it should be minty toothpaste, oh no, that smells to nice and is chemical crap. do you rub with bicarb?


No, I'm not freakish about my body thanks.

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oh, so you dont clean any of your orifices at all? no wonder your name is a fish...


Grow up a wee bit son - only a cretin could reach that conclusion from what I've said.


You want to throw your money away on a product you don't need that's designed to solve a need that doesn't exist?


Fine by me, but don't cry when it gives you a rash or insult someone that doesn't share your insecurity and willingness to fall for a lie.

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Body spray is the preserve of the teenaged oaf who feels that there is no greater allure to females than the overpowering stench of pressurised gases, vulgar scent and the camouflaging of body odour. If a chap washes himself and applies antiperspirant then it can be complimented by a nice and classy addition.


Chaps wear aftershave or a decent eau de cologne which elicits a "Mmm, that's nice" from the ladies rather that the chloroform recoil that their poorer cousins bring. The oiks may choose to bathe in joop which gives them the feeling of being classy but it's nasal assault.

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Body spray is the preserve of the teenaged oaf who feels that there is no greater allure to females than the overpowering stench of pressurised gases, vulgar scent and the camouflaging of body odour. If a chap washes himself and applies antiperspirant then it can be complimented by a nice and classy addition.


Chaps wear aftershave or a decent eau de cologne which elicits a "Mmm, that's nice" from the ladies rather that the chloroform recoil that their poorer cousins bring. The oiks may choose to bathe in joop which gives them the feeling of being classy but it's nasal assault.


Beautifully put, Swan. An unexpected light of wit and wisdom in a dark place.

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i didnt insult anyone. you complained about anyone using anything other than soap and water, and insulted us for it. so id get off your high horse before you fall off.


its called living in the 21st century, ive been to places where deo isnt used, and believe me, although the person in question isnt aware, id much rather they used some deo.


you were the one that said you dont, so you do brush? do you use that marketed chemical crap toothpaste then?

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