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Making people work! rant

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No, I would rather spend all day looking for work but since the government is closing a lot of job centres and job clubs it seems they wouldn't want me to do that.

That would leave you six more days to do some work:D, obviously there would have to be time allowed to look for work and go to interviews, but I doubt that many of our unemployed spend forty hours a week looking for work.

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I don't know about your area but we have a street cleaner that cleans the high street and the rest of the town is a tip, I’m sure the lad that cleans the street now would love to supervise a gang of street cleaner.


I live in a little cul-de-sac and one of my neighbours has OCD, thankfully, so he's always picking litter...:D

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Yes that is his opinion, which is unfortunately shared by too many other UK residents, hence the country is in the state it is.


Part of the problem is those that won't work, not those who think that they should work.

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Thought you were talking about the NMW for a minute. You seriously think people are going to work for their dole money?

You seriously think they'll go hungry instead, or turn to crime?

Stop their dole money and they could starve and that isn't going to look too good is it? They could even turn to stealing just to eat, in which case they would probably get locked up and that would cost the government even more. These people also have the right to vote so the government had best think on before coming up with such ideas.

Even if the scheme actually costs money in the short term I'd be happy with that. In the long term ending the entitlement culture and benefits lifestyle are worth more.

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How can it cost anything, we already pay staff to run benefits offices and we already pay people to do nothing, they will get the same money for doing something that would benefit everyone and the benefits staff would still make sure its run correctly. Ultimately many that are now unemployed would choose to find a better job when the option of sitting on their arse is removed.


People who are being made to go out and pick litter will need supervising, someone has to record whether they turn up, direct them to the right area, etc... I can see that it would involve some costs, but I think it would be worth it.

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Yet another soundbyte! Where are all these jobs for the 1.8 million unemployed going to appear from? Street sweeping? what about all those gainfully employed doing that job, are we going to sack them, then have the cheek of making them do the same job for JSA? I mean lets just cover Street sweeping/Litter picking First there is the safety equipment, then we have health and safety training, then we have supervision. All of this costs money, especially when dealing with 'employees' who do not want to be there and WILL be hostile and uncooperative, who are, sometimes, well aware of employment law and have no compunctions about using/abusing the system. It all sounds good in theory but I wouldn't want to be the one who tried to put it into practice

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People who are being made to go out and pick litter will need supervising, someone has to record whether they turn up, direct them to the right area, etc... I can see that it would involve some costs, but I think it would be worth it.


Already covered that,


I don't know about your area but we have a street cleaner that cleans the high street and the rest of the town is a tip, I’m sure the lad that cleans the street now would love to supervise a gang of street cleaner.


How can it cost anything, we already pay staff to run benefits offices and we already pay people to do nothing, they will get the same money for doing something that would benefit everyone and the benefits staff would still make sure its run correctly. Ultimately many that are now unemployed would choose to find a better job when the option of sitting on their arse is removed.
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the government says it is going to make people work, either get proper jobs or work in the community for there benefits, ok lets see,if you commit a crime you get community service, a way of paying back your wrong doings back to the community by working in the community for a court set amount of hours,fair do's. In our area it was announced that for every job vacancy there was 11 people claiming job seekers allowance, so that means that 10 people are going to get community hours? its no crime being out of work!! you might scoff being in full time employment but just remember no job is for life anymore, it might be you!! litter picking at the side of the road, shouldnt our council tax pay for that?


If you don't work you don't pay council tax, those that do have to pay it for you, you have to make a job out of getting a job so stop whinging and instead of being on here start printing some CV's and take a walk round some firms handing them in. That's what my OH did last year when he was made redundant. Took him 3 months but he got another job. People want it handed to them on a plate. In case you're wondering - I do work, today is my rostered day off

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