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Making people work! rant

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If you don't work you don't pay council tax, those that do have to pay it for you, you have to make a job out of getting a job so stop whinging and instead of being on here start printing some CV's and take a walk round some firms handing them in. That's what my OH did last year when he was made redundant. Took him 3 months but he got another job. People want it handed to them on a plate. In case you're wondering - I do work, today is my rostered day off


I see because your other half got a job in three months everybody can? is that what you are saying? Was your other half qualified? Did he have upto date references and a checkable job history? Had he been unemployed more than six months and therefore considered, by most employers, 'long term unemployed'? Of course not! If it really was a case of 'being handed it on a plate' would you care to explain why A4E, who do as you put it, hand you it on a plate, managed a success rate of less than 25% over a six month period. Were the other 75% of the people A4e were working with all completely unemployable?

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I see because your other half got a job in three months everybody can? is that what you are saying? Was your other half qualified? Did he have upto date references and a checkable job history? Had he been unemployed more than six months and therefore considered, by most employers, 'long term unemployed'? Of course not! If it really was a case of 'being handed it on a plate' would you care to explain why A4E, who do as you put it, hand you it on a plate, managed a success rate of less than 25% over a six month period. Were the other 75% of the people A4e were working with all completely unemployable?


It's not for action for employment to get you a job, you want it handed to you on a plate - do it yourself instead of being on here you could be printing CV'S off and then off your backside and handing them out to prospective employers. Many jobs are not advertised and if they have copy of your CV you have a head start, it shows you have initiative:D:D:love:

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It's not for action for employment to get you a job, you want it handed to you on a plate - do it yourself instead of being on here you could be printing CV'S off and then off your backside and handing them out to prospective employers. Many jobs are not advertised and if they have copy of your CV you have a head start, it shows you have initiative:D:D:love:


Do you REALLY believe employers keep the CV's handed to them by prospective job seekers? My god, what a strange world you live in! The last private employer I worked for never even bothered to read them, straight in the bin. Governments own figures say the LEAST effective method of finding work is speculative letters/CV's. Look at the figures, 1.8 million on JSA, 400,000 job vacancies, how many of those are '0' hour contracts and 'non' jobs, like -: wanted Solicitor prepared to work for £6.95 hour one can only guess. If we assume that ALL the jobs available are real ones, just to fit in the fantasy world where employers read speculative CV's that leaves 1.4 million unemployed with NO jobs available, what do you suggest they do? Commit suicide so you don't have to pay their JSA?

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The problem with this government is they issue a lot of statements without thinking the whole issue through. There is a minimum wage, so any work done should be have the hours calculated to the minimum wage rate. The government cannot create jobs in the private sector where the real tax money comes from, that is down to individual companies. Public sector jobs just drain the tax coffers. What this government needs to do is cut overseas aid money and bring it back into this country. We cannot continue to save the rest of the world when our own backyard needs saving just as much. There is no real benefit to us being in the EU so if we signed out of that we would have more money to spend on this country.

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The problem with this government is they issue a lot of statements without thinking the whole issue through. There is a minimum wage, so any work done should be have the hours calculated to the minimum wage rate. The government cannot create jobs in the private sector where the real tax money comes from, that is down to individual companies. Public sector jobs just drain the tax coffers. What this government needs to do is cut overseas aid money and bring it back into this country. We cannot continue to save the rest of the world when our own backyard needs saving just as much. There is no real benefit to us being in the EU so if we signed out of that we would have more money to spend on this country.


So all our problems would be solved with £9.1 Billion would it? the term drop in the ocean springs instantly to mind. As to the costs of Europe, and what are you going to do about all those employers who are here BECAUSE of our invovement in Europe, Eire would be jumping with joy at the prospect of taking all those jobs of us. What about all that trade with the EU? How much of that would disappear off to other EU countries? Any figures?

There is no real benefit to us being in the EU
Would you also like to take a guess at how much of that £9.1 Billion we spend in overseas aid is spent buying British products for use abroad?
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Yeah and pigs might fly:hihi: You'd have to be daft to work for nowt, IMO:suspect:


Meh, I've worked "for nowt" for years, best thing I've ever done IMO, I'd love to get a job for money, but there's too much ILLEGAL discrimination against disabled at the moment :rant:

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Do you REALLY believe employers keep the CV's handed to them by prospective job seekers? My god, what a strange world you live in! The last private employer I worked for never even bothered to read them, straight in the bin. Governments own figures say the LEAST effective method of finding work is speculative letters/CV's. Look at the figures, 1.8 million on JSA, 400,000 job vacancies, how many of those are '0' hour contracts and 'non' jobs, like -: wanted Solicitor prepared to work for £6.95 hour one can only guess. If we assume that ALL the jobs available are real ones, just to fit in the fantasy world where employers read speculative CV's that leaves 1.4 million unemployed with NO jobs available, what do you suggest they do? Commit suicide so you don't have to pay their JSA?


Well that's funny because when I was in job club they said spec approach was best method

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Meh, I've worked "for nowt" for years, best thing I've ever done IMO, I'd love to get a job for money, but there's too much ILLEGAL discrimination against disabled at the moment :rant:


I beg to differ if anything disabled discrimination is very low, same as racial discrimination or sexual discrimination.


If you look you will find gainful employment if you really want to.

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So all our problems would be solved with £9.1 Billion would it? the term drop in the ocean springs instantly to mind. As to the costs of Europe, and what are you going to do about all those employers who are here BECAUSE of our invovement in Europe, Eire would be jumping with joy at the prospect of taking all those jobs of us. What about all that trade with the EU? How much of that would disappear off to other EU countries? Any figures? Would you also like to take a guess at how much of that £9.1 Billion we spend in overseas aid is spent buying British products for use abroad?


In this age of international trade with countries outside of the EU it proves that you do not need an entity like the EU just to keep up trade agreements. We take goods from Japan, China, India and other asian countries without the EU. Trade agreements could remain in place with European companies. I dont know how many British products would be bought for use abroad, the British manufacturing industry is on its knees due to not being able to compete with the low wages overseas. All problems wouldnt be solved but it would definately help. When you consider we get a £7 billion rebate from the EU, how much do we pay in? This is taxpayers money, we complain about giving money to the jobless but not the EU. Why do you think the government wont hold a referendum on the EU? Do you know your local MEP? When was the last time you had an issue he dealt with? Yet they claim their expenses which we as taxpayers help to pay for. The government should address the real drains on taxpayers money(EU) and help build up private sector business (not tax them out of existance) which would create the jobs they say we will all be in within two years. There are not enough jobs for the amount of people out of work. Pulling money back into the country could perhaps create some public sector jobs that the government want the unemployed to do, maybe then the figures would drop.

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