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Making people work! rant

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I'm unemployed due to no fault of my own and I do neither of the things you mentioned.


I am starting training as an Accountant so I won't have to 'work' for my benefits. I have all my qualifications in Business/Admin and cannot for the life of me get a job in this field.


I just can't stand people that tar the unemployed with the same brush.


Yes, there are loads of people who refuse to work because it's much easier than living on benefits. But there are people who NEED to work but can't get a job.


You didn't explain that once your training starts you won't be unemployed any longer.

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Spoken like a true Daily Mail reader, tell me how much a month is your subscription to the DM?


How on earth is pointing out the obvious indicative of the Daily Mail? And precisly where do you get off labelling anyone who doesn't espouse your viewpoint with your own inimically emotive label of reading the Mail? I'm sure you would scream loud and wide if people started labelling you with unfortunate names wouldn't you?

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I have only been out of work a couple of weeks. During that time I applied for loads of jobs and had a couple of interviews.


And then I got offered training to be an Accountant. Like I said I start soon so what's the point in getting a job for a few days?


Some people may see sense in getting a job for just 3 days but I don't!


It's to rainy and cold to ride my horse today. Sorry!


There's no point in getting a job for a few days. Far better to get som reading in for the training and a bit of relaxation.


PS - well done on the new job/training. Hope it all goes well.

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I am working while I train. So I don't understand how I can do that? Hmm I do wish I could be in 2 places at once.


You don't need to be in two places at once you just need the ability to understand what you read.


Originally Posted by andikay View Post

Why not work in any job you can find and train to be an accountant when you are not at work, my son did that and is now an accountant.


I had assumed the training was on a collage course as opposed to being trained by an employer, which I now assume is what you meant.

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You don't need to be in two places at once you just need the ability to understand what you read.




I had assumed the training was on a collage course as opposed to being trained by an employer, which I now assume is what you meant.


Exactly don't just assume ;).


That's another problem with people they just assume. Why not assume that my training was provided by an employer? Or is it easier to assume that I am going to train one day a week and sit on my backside for the rest? So that you can have a dig at someone and make yourself feel better.


It seems people always look for the worst.

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There's no point in getting a job for a few days. Far better to get som reading in for the training and a bit of relaxation.


PS - well done on the new job/training. Hope it all goes well.


Thank you :)!


I really hope it works out as well because believe it or not watching Jeremy Kyle isn't my idea of fun! It may well be for some people but I can't even laugh at the people on there any more.

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How on earth is pointing out the obvious indicative of the Daily Mail? And precisly where do you get off labelling anyone who doesn't espouse your viewpoint with your own inimically emotive label of reading the Mail? I'm sure you would scream loud and wide if people started labelling you with unfortunate names wouldn't you?


It's a weird accusation, I'm strongly libertarian and I assume his DM epithet is supposed to imply right wing authoritarian/fascist sympathies...

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No, i mean for example, a man with a wife and 3 kids, just made redundant and claiming JSA for himself and his wife on a joint claim.



as an ex benefit officer, as it was when i was there(it changes all the time) you dont have a joint claim with your spouse /partner, if there are children on the claim, theres only one claimant for all the family unit, a joint claim is when both sign on as a couple and both declare they are actively seeking work


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Exactly don't just assume ;).


That's another problem with people they just assume. Why not assume that my training was provided by an employer? Or is it easier to assume that I am going to train one day a week and sit on my backside for the rest? So that you can have a dig at someone and make yourself feel better.


It seems people always look for the worst.


My assumption was based on your unclear post which gave the impression you would still be unemployed whist training, and you assumed I was implying you would need to be in two places at once, when I clearly said train when you are not at work.

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It's a weird accusation, I'm strongly libertarian and I assume his DM epithet is supposed to imply right wing authoritarian/fascist sympathies...
I'd have said he misread (or misunderstood) your post, as putting a racist slant on that earlier post which you quoted.


In that context, his silence since, certainly speaks volume ;)

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