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Should i go travelling?

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I need advice please!


I am 24 and I am currently in a well paid job- despite the current economic climate! I am really bored of work and after looking around cant find another job.


I got to thinking though... I am still young with no mortgage and kids. Why don’t I go and see the world?!


Has anyone else gone travelling for a couple of years? Where did you go? What did you do? Did u go alone or with friends?


Would you recommend it given the current economic climate and the fact that when I return I may not get a well paid job or a job at all!!


Any advice appreciated!



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I went travelling for a year, did Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, & Oz (where i have an uncle), had a great time and did it for the same reasons as you, i was bored of Sheffield, doing the same things, in the same places, with the same people. I didn't leave a well paid job to speak of at the time (what are you calling a well paid job, £30k a year??) and could you get a similar job on your return?


I travelled with friends but met loads of people on my travels and met many who were travelling alone who has met up with others. Travel broadens the mind and you'll come back a different person, you've got no financial or family commitments and its something you could regret in 10yrs time if you don't do it now.


I say go for it, what have you got to lose? You'll be home sick at first wondering if you've made the right decision but you'll soon get into it.

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I travlled all over europe in the 80's but it was easy to get work picking grapes, oranges etc. Not so easy now. Try going to a Kibbutz, i've been to a few, you get well fed and watered, and the works not to hard. You will also make plenty of contacts, from other countrys. Definitley a good place to start your travels.Its safe too. Good luck.

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