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Should i go travelling?

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By all means go,but be self supporting.

Not like the hippie backpackers of the 60's and 70's who did virtually nothing

for the countries they visited.Thinking they were clever haggling by the roadside for a carrot or something and then bragging to their mates that they saved a cent,dong,ringgit or whatever.At the expense of the guy who could least afford it.

Why not go as a volunteer?

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I've done the same thing twice, the economic situation was a bit different then though as I could and did walk back into a job both times and lose out. If you're thinking of going for two years though I wouldn't factor that in, you never know what will happen in that span of time, you might even not come back.


First time I went travelling with a friend through Canada, America, New Zealand and Australia. In all of those places you will meet loads of people who are travelling to roughly the same schedule as you. We travelled all the way down the Australian coast with the same group of 15 just about. Stay in hostels over hotels or bed and breakfasts. There are a lot of social events planned, you won't be able to not meet people where as hotels etc are obviously more insular.


Second time was volunteer work in Africa. I went on my own but talked to people who were going on the same trip through Face Book first. This was through Global Vision International who I would thoroughly recommend. I met people in our group and went travelling with them after, we joined another overlanding tour and went up through into Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe. You can get around safely in Africa, but we felt better going on an organised tour, its a big place. Probably missed out on some off the beaten track places by doing that though.


No matter where you go it'll be an eye opening experience. I couldn't justify going again at the minute so I chose to work abroad instead.

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Go for it.

Don't mess and do as little thinking as you dare. Short of anything else, you can always get a job teaching English in some foreign country.


It's not the regretting going you need to worry about; it's the not going.

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I need advice please!


I am 24 and I am currently in a well paid job- despite the current economic climate! I am really bored of work and after looking around cant find another job.


I got to thinking though... I am still young with no mortgage and kids. Why don’t I go and see the world?!


Has anyone else gone travelling for a couple of years? Where did you go? What did you do? Did u go alone or with friends?


Would you recommend it given the current economic climate and the fact that when I return I may not get a well paid job or a job at all!!


Any advice appreciated!




do it, travel. go on a banger rally.

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