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SINGLE MUMS - struggling financially?

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I believe it's due to cuts in maternity pay, with until recently, fathers didn't get as much.


Ah OK, I think that makes sense, thanks.


So in essence, the percentage loss is higher for women, because they were already entitled to more than men before hand, and now it is being brought more inline and equal to men than it was before...

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what about the married woman who found herself pregnant in her late 30's while taking birth control? Her husbands face when she told him.In a matter of weeks she had to decide whether to go it alone or have an abortion.They already had a young daughter, and looking at her she knew she could not get rid of the baby.


I picked my daughter, and I shudder that it crossed my mind to get rid of her.

she is beautiful, clever and going to do A levels in September.

oh and she is looking for a little job to tied her over.


so stop stereotyping fgs.

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It is the thin end of the wedge when people are being pressured into having an abortion because other selfish people are haranguing them for daring to have children when there finances aren't perfect. When there is a risk they may have to rely on government help. Who's next the disabled? "Get ye off to dignitas and stop costing us money you selfish disabled person!"

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Having children is a choice, disability isn't.


Having your partner die is a choice? Believe it or not some single parents end up as such through no choice of their own. Children are an eighteen year, or longer, commitment can you guarantee your job security for that long? Can you guarantee your partners commitment for eighteen years? Where is the choice? I made a choice to have children when I had, what I thought was a nice well paid secure job and a marriage. After nine months I discovered my well paid, secure job wasn't as secure as I thought after another twelve months and some post-natal depression I discovered my marriage wasn't as secure as I thought it was and now I'm left as a 'feckless' single dad. Without the benefit of hindsight I don't see I made any wrong discissions, and I strongly believe I'm not alone. It is yet another example of blaming a minority for all the ails of the worlds, works particularly well when that minority is not able to fight back, single mums, 'feckless' dads, disabled, asylum seekers etc.

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ahh well ive gotten used to being labeled a sponger and a scrounger now. these people dont know me or the circumstances but i wont let that stand in the way of them having a nice rant


the ex and i had been married 3 and a half years before i fell pregnant, the in laws had been on my back since we married about providing them with a grandchild. we both worked and paid tax, had our own home ( complete with mortgage ) finally decided we were ready for a child..... and he took up wife beating as a hobby. end result was a child born too early and took sick, errors made, took her home after 10 and a half months with lifelong disabilitys and medical problems as a single mother.

i still thought i would be returning to work, asked the consultant about having the daycare staff trained for her medical needs, the added insurance for oxygen to be used at daycare and it was vetoed since a cold could have killed her. i still havnt given up hope of returning to work part time, currently im seen as too unreliable due to all the appointments and time off for her illnesses but hey i can dream.

on a good day when i have to listen to numptys i can laugh, on bad days like the day when a stranger came and told me my child would be better off dead i cry

the dad doesnt contribute. told a judge he didnt want anything to do with my beautiful girl since shes not "normal" and threatened violence towards my daughter and i if he was forced to pay

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