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Belle's Party - please come


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:banana: Top night Belle petal! :banana:


Was very generous of you Thankyou.


I guess that means everybody that did not manage to make it will have to learn how to play `nakedgodslot` some other time.


Brief message but extended Big Fun to all who met, shared, drove, played, posted pics etc...


See you all again kids.




ps. that is (venjer).(venja)...

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Belle, MrH, Ying, Venger, Fuzzy_purple, Nomme, Victoria, Mr & Max, Jamie.....what can I say?


That was the party of the century, if not the millenium. I really cannot foresee any circumstances where anyone could hold a better party than the depraved and decadent orgy of excess that we have been party to.


At least the visible bruising has gone down and the bite marks are not really looking too bad. I told my gf that Louise has a rather nasty Jack Russel who inflicted the bites - I think she bought it.


My doctor says I should get the vision back in my left eye soon, providing I stay off the Alcohol/PCP cocktails so generously provided by MrH


Anyways, it was the finest house party I have ever had the privelege of attending, although not many other parties I have been to had quite so many nubile butlers and waitresses in attendance - a defining feature, especially considering the "mint sorbet incident" - that image of Howard, Ying and Belle will stay with me for a long time.


After literally pints of wine, champagne, champagne cocktails (they do the job don't they?) great debates raged, great friendships were forged (my new blood brothers, I salute you) great sex was had by all (although I have photographs of my bite marks, and I intend to match them to dental records, so I'd be grateful if you'd send me your xrays for comparisons).


It was so dark I couldn't see who was doing the biting, but whoever you are, that thing you did with the wet celery was inspiring (!)


Belle, all I can say is that Caligula would have been proud, although next time you might want to cut down on the amount of Viagra you put in the tiramisu.


I haven't got any photos I can post, not without contravening Geoffs regs, so I'll send the links out to those of you who came, and those of you who attended but didn't come. :)

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I can only echo Phan's sentiments, though clearly never as eruditely as the silver tongued devil himself.


Champagne cocktails...laughter...baked potatoes...tarot readings...laughter...pints of wine...apple strudel...philosophical debate...laughter...book discussions...milk tray...a guided tour through Belle's ash tray collection (a lovely specimen from the Guinness museum I should note)...cheese...laughter...red wine...chocolate éclairs...naked twister...laughter...coleslaw...more champagne cocktails...digital camera geek fest...celery (I don't remember the celery!)...laughter...beer...hot sex...salad...perception and psychedelics...laughter...chocolates...animal cruelty and meat production...another champagne cocktail - don't mind if I do(hic)...sweet corn...mind altering/life changing books...laughter....bizarre antics with cushions...mint sorbet incident (I'll never forget that lol)...garlic bread...laughter...lots of other stuff I can't remember at the moment...jumpers for goalposts...enduring images. Isn't it? Belle's party? Marvellous!


Great to meet you all.



(p.s. A really big thank you to Belle's mate Vic - wow what a lady!)

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