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Union leaders lead the high life..

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Socialism, REAL socialism, isn't against meritocracy. Under true socialism, do a good job and you'll be paid well for it.


You clearly dont understanfd "from each according to his means etc.....".You are refering to social democract a sopposed to democratic socialism which is very different.

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As ever with socialists their principles go out of the window once they're offered wads of cash. The old line "some are more equal than others" is never truer than with the union leader hypocrites!


What about the line about fatcats lick their lips and fat pussies lick their watsits?

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Scargill broke the union rules he knew the union members didn’t back the strike so he allowed each region to vote for its own strike and in doing so he broke his own union rules. He then organized bus loads of men to travel into non striking areas to intimidate and bully the miners that didn't vote to strike. He destroyed communities because of his vendetta against the elected government.


Tell me how he broke the union rules? The executive took a majority decision and Scargill did not even have to use his vote.


Your powers of analysis are alien to me, I thought it was the Thatcher juggernaut that wanted the mining industry reduced to a tiny privatised business causing hundreds of thousands of redundancies that destroyed communities?


Your views are typical of an outsider looking in. The flying pickets went of their own accord, even when NUM executive members told them not to. The strike was all about the majority of the membership pulling the leadership behind it, not the other way round. A mass of pickets turned up at NUM HQ in Sheffield in April 84 demanding the strike be made official. As the BBC newsreader said at the time "the union tells miners "we'll support you" but there will be no ballot".

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?And the size of a pay rise in meaningless without reference to base figure.If you earn say £6 per hour a 10% rise is 60p but doctors on £60 per hour would receive 60p form a 1% rise.That still leave the doctor £54 ahead and a differential of 10 fold persists!!!


From the Telegraph..


" Christine Blower, the general secretary of the NUT, has pocketed a 10% pay rise, bringing her total compensation package to £140,000. That’s more than double the rate of inflation and four times the 2.3% raise that teachers got last year. This is the same Christine Blower who’s leading the one-day strike later this month that promises to bring our children’s schools to a standstill. The issue is the Government’s proposal to restructure public sector pensions, but that isn’t something Blower has to worry about. The NUT’s accounts for last year show that union members funded a 16% increase in contributions to her pension. The union paid £26,000 into her pension pot, four times the typical level in the private sector"


Hardly £6 an hour..

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People are losing context. Although this thread title is about union leader's salaries, the real issue is not about how much union leaders earn, it's about them trying to obtain a wage to offset the cost of living and better/safer conditions for the workforce.


And what if they do get a good salary package?


And another thing, I've never hears of John Lewis staff going on strike. Maybe because the management look after their staff although the majority of them are not on great wages.

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Tell me how he broke the union rules? The executive took a majority decision and Scargill did not even have to use his vote.


Your powers of analysis are alien to me, I thought it was the Thatcher juggernaut that wanted the mining industry reduced to a tiny privatised business causing hundreds of thousands of redundancies that destroyed communities?


Your views are typical of an outsider looking in. The flying pickets went of their own accord, even when NUM executive members told them not to. The strike was all about the majority of the membership pulling the leadership behind it, not the other way round. A mass of pickets turned up at NUM HQ in Sheffield in April 84 demanding the strike be made official. As the BBC newsreader said at the time "the union tells miners "we'll support you" but there will be no ballot".


Two miners from Manton colliery who protested that the strike was not official without a ballot took the NUM to court. The High Court ruled that the NUM had breached its own constitution by calling a strike without first holding a ballot. Scargill was fined £1,000

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Evidence please.Do you believe one person could spend £650 on a meal-its questions your gullibility somewhat.I know BC is a fat un but £650 is a bit much?And the size of a pay rise in meaningless without reference to base figure.If you earn say £6 per hour a 10% rise is 60p but doctors on £60 per hour would receive 60p form a 1% rise.That still leave the doctor £54 ahead and a differential of 10 fold persists!!!


Well Ms Blowers 10% pay rise took her package to £140,000 pa according to the Telegraph:




Secondly, I guess you've never eaten in a top Michelin star restaurant so I've attached details on Scotts:



Caviar starts at £80 whilst Oysters start at £13 for the cheapest. Bob had 3 companions with him and they apparently polished off several bottles of wine with their meal.

Therefore £650 can easily be spent !!

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People are losing context. Although this thread title is about union leader's salaries, the real issue is not about how much union leaders earn, it's about them trying to obtain a wage to offset the cost of living and better/safer conditions for the workforce.


No it's not. It's about these Union leaders spouting all their socialist 'we're in this together comrades' crap and then taking huge wage rises or expensive Michelin starred meals that the majority of their members could only dream about.


No wonder Union membership is falling like a stone !!!

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No it's not. It's about these Union leaders spouting all their socialist 'we're in this together comrades' crap and then taking huge wage rises or expensive Michelin starred meals that the majority of their members could only dream about.


No wonder Union membership is falling like a stone !!!


Why don't you spit your dummy out and take your toys in?

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