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All it takes is belief.

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That is such an existential get out clause, it's all about free will and acceptance of what we do and say.....all of us, not just you dismissing others feelings and opinions because you don't have a real answer for other peoples opinions, It's about accepting the WHOLE person and all that they contain, not patronising others without explaining why. I aplologise for this post, but patronisation is not part of my lifestyle, and I feel very strongly about free will and responsibility for our own actions.


You and me both. :)

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Or you could just answer my really simple questions




You have misunderstood what I wrote. If you look back at post #74 you will see that I highlighted the "obtuse" comment that you made, NOT the"evasive" one. I don't know how I can make myself any clearer, that's the second time you've not noticed bolds and misunderstood because of it.




Really? You can't explain how you know I have these illusions like I asked you?




This really is like getting blood from a stone (I can't believe you called me impatient).

One last time, and I can't make this question any clearer or simpler than this:


How do you KNOW that I have these illusions?


Also, what makes you think I use "self protection" in the context you describe?


(These really are VERY simple and straightforward questions, you should have no problem in answering them).


How do I know you have illusions?

Everybody has illusions...it is part of the human experience and condition. An enlightened master would be the exception. If you are not enlightened then you have illusions no matter who you are...you...me...whoever.

I cannot explain it to you any better than that without going into a personal space...because as I keep trying to get you to see...never having met you...how could I say anything about what personal illusions you have?


The self protection remark I made was not directed at you specifically...let's be clear about that please. :)

People who feel they are under some sort of attack will "self protect." We all do it in one form or another. It was a general observation about human behavioural traits.

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How do I know you have illusions?

Everybody has illusions...it is part of the human experience and condition. An enlightened master would be the exception. If you are not enlightened then you have illusions no matter who you are...you...me...whoever.

That doesn't really answer the question does it.


If I told you that everyone loses a little bit of their sanity everytime they breathe out, I may be correct or I may be incorrect. Up to that point all anyone has is my word for it. If you asked me how I know this I would have to give a reason for it. If I said somebody else had taught me this then I should provide you with a source for the information. If it was just a theory of my own then I would have to hold my hands up and admit that.


It's like this post here...

It is, however, your beliefs and actions that will determine *where* in "the afterlife" you go.


I'd like to know how nri786tahira KNOWS this.

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