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"Does that help?" not really, what is your definition of "the highest consciousness" ?


Also, can you explain about the illusions?


The highest consciousness is what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. It's the ability we have to make responsible and positive choices about the actions we take. From this state we put out into the world only the best of ourselves, remembering always that the other is a part of us and not a stranger...they too have their story and an experience unique to them alone.


You keep talking about "the illusion." I have spoken of illusions.

As an example...I once operated under the illusion that it would be possible to come on a public forum and post what I believe to be life enhancing information for those who recognised something in what I have said and benefitted from it without drawing the attention of those who make no valid point but merely dismiss it all with impunity and smart arse comments. I do not number you amongst those...but you are a tad impatient IMO. ;)


We all have our own illusions...I have little idea on what yours may be but rest assured you do have them...unless of course you are an enlightened master.

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I once operated under the illusion that it would be possible to come on a public forum and post what I believe to be life enhancing information for those who recognised something in what I have said and benefitted from it without drawing the attention of those who make no valid point but merely dismiss it all with impunity and smart arse comments

Well that was extremely naive of you wasn't it? ;)


They may not be valid points to you but none of your points in the OP are valid to lots of other people too, and it comes across as very condescending.


One man's 'life enhancing information' is another mans pretentious nonsense, you've gotten a similar response to anyone who tries to preach on a public forum.

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I assume threads like this are started with good intentions as the content contains a general positive message, but really, in the real world, being philosophical and spiritual isn't going to cut it. It's so dated, its almost useless information to the common man.


The "real world" to you will not be the "real world" to another living sole. Sure there will be vast amounts of it that you will overlap on...but no two people think alike on everything. We are unique...all of us.


The "common man" will, I hope, be grateful to you for looking after his interests. ;)

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Well that was extremely naive of you wasn't it? ;)


They may not be valid points to you but none of your points in the OP are valid to lots of other people too, and it comes across as very condescending.


One man's 'life enhancing information' is another mans pretentious nonsense, you've gotten a similar response to anyone who tries to preach on a public forum.


Re my bold.


Yup! That's why I said "used to." ;)


I don't see myself as a preacher Jimmy. I take your points and agree entirely.


I'm sorry you see me as "condescending." Nothing could have been further from my mind.

I write what I write from a genuine desire to help others where I can. What I have discovered for myself has been invaluable to me and changed my whole life. It has made me a better person. Better in the sense of waking up to the fact that what I put out into the world comes right back at me...that I create the universe around me...with how I view it and respond to it. I know it works because of my own experience. Life is a mirror!



Three word posts...all three words in the negative...one of them made by a man who said he agreed with the whole of the first two paragraphs adds nothing to an adult debate. Can we agree on that at least?

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I feel that Swamis posts are very soothing and re-assuring even if I dont agree with every point he makes. If that makes sense !:)

I don't find them soothing or re-assuring (I don't know what anyone would need soothing or re-assuring about!) but I'm sure he means well. I just want to know exactly what he DOES mean.

The highest consciousness is what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. It's the ability we have to make responsible and positive choices about the actions we take. From this state we put out into the world only the best of ourselves, remembering always that the other is a part of us and not a stranger...they too have their story and an experience unique to them alone.


So if we were to live "up to the highest light" (consciousness) aren't we detaching ourselves from the animal kingdom? That doesn't sound very harmonic to me. I live my life as much by instinct as I do by my consciousness, to me that is balanced and in harmony.


You keep talking about "the illusion." I have spoken of illusions.


No I don't, really, I even highlighted the plural for you this time but for some reason you don't see it. Look...


Also, can you explain about the illusions?




As an example...I once operated under the illusion that it would be possible to come on a public forum and post what I believe to be life enhancing information for those who recognised something in what I have said and benefitted from it without drawing the attention of those who make no valid point but merely dismiss it all with impunity and smart arse comments. I do not number you amongst those...but you are a tad impatient IMO. ;)


That's not an illusion, it's more like an aspiration or maybe an objective, if you choose to explain your statements you may be successful in it. I can't speak for others but I haven't dismissed anything and I'm merely asking questions. No smart arse comments either from me.


How on earth am I impatient? LOL I've been waiting for an explanation over four pages now and you're still responding with things like "Illusions not illusion"


We all have our own illusions...I have little idea on what yours may be but rest assured you do have them...unless of course you are an enlightened master.


This is why I'm asking about the illusions, if by enlightened you mean comfortable with myself and the world around me then yes I am. I am sure of myself and my decisions in life, I'm fully in touch with both my consciousness and my animal instinct. I have no spiritual hole that I need to fill either.


Could you give examples of any more of these illusions for me as the one you gave doesn't really explain much at all.

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I'm sure Swami is well capable of reflection and rising above critics, though.


Well, I'M not actually criticising anything, just trying to get an explanation!


EDIT: ( maybe I was a bit critical at first but then asked him to explain it so I can re-evaluate)

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I don't find them soothing or re-assuring (I don't know what anyone would need soothing or re-assuring about!) but I'm sure he means well. I just want to know exactly what he DOES mean.



So if we were to live "up to the highest light" (consciousness) aren't we detaching ourselves from the animal kingdom? That doesn't sound very harmonic to me. I live my life as much by instinct as I do by my consciousness, to me that is balanced and in harmony.




No I don't, really, I even highlighted the plural for you this time but for some reason you don't see it. Look...








That's not an illusion, it's more like an aspiration or maybe an objective, if you choose to explain your statements you may be successful in it. I can't speak for others but I haven't dismissed anything and I'm merely asking questions. No smart arse comments either from me.


How on earth am I impatient? LOL I've been waiting for an explanation over four pages now and you're still responding with things like "Illusions not illusion"




This is why I'm asking about the illusions, if by enlightened you mean comfortable with myself and the world around me then yes I am. I am sure of myself and my decisions in life, I'm fully in touch with both my consciousness and my animal instinct. I have no spiritual hole that I need to fill either.


Could you give examples of any more of these illusions for me as the one you gave doesn't really explain much at all.



Re my bolds in order.


1. I understand that and accept it...it's not for you...cool! :)


2. No we are not detaching ourselves. We are using the power we all have to improve ourselves.


3. Really?...I'm confused by that...especially after having read back through some of your contribution to this discussion. Maybe I misunderstood you. :)


4. It was meant to be a light hearted response to your post 30. :D

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No we are not detaching ourselves. We are using the power we all have to improve ourselves.


From your explanation so far then, it just sounds like how a lot of people already live.

(definitely not ALL people though!)


Really?...I'm confused by that...especially after having read back through some of your contribution to this discussion. Maybe I misunderstood you. :)


Yes, really. I'm just asking questions, which you're still not answering.


It was meant to be a light hearted response to your post 30. :D

Fair enough. NOW can you please explain these illusions?

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Re my bolds. :D


Swami, you're being passive aggressive with your posting. Posting vague responses to Root's posts and deliberately not responding to his direct questions isn't indicative of an enlightened person, or of a higher consciousness...


We've agreed on much in the past but few people in the West understand a fragment of what you're saying and you're just coming across as being vague, weird, and deliberately difficult.


This is a forum; it doesn't deal in vaguary. Most of your comments are wasted, but if you are intent on making them, you at least need the substance to back it up by setting an example for others.

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