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Does anyone have any interesting Ghost Stories?


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OH okay sorry I didn't no it was you filming well if you say it's not set up who know what it could be I just never believe those videos on youtube ive seen so many of ghosts and orbs etc and they are always on random videos which are about 10 seconds long and in the dark.. lol


:) it ok i feel same as you about them on youtube. Too many fake ones out there. I watched one yesterday of someone filming there kitchen cupboard :huh:

Not sure if mine is an orb or dust partical but i like the idea of it being an orb :)

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Does anyone have any interesting ghost stories which they would be willing to share with me for a radio project I am working on? I have put a post about this in General Chat but thought that I may get more responce from here, if anyone has already read it.


I would be grateful for any stories that anyone is willing to share!


This is not a ghost story as such but as an apparition .

On Monday nights we had bell ringing practice at our local church .

This particular night ,as i was driving down to church , I saw someone hanging from a tree.

I dismissed it by shaking my head and trying to focus on my driving .

On arriving at the church I went into the the bell tower .

Without going into to many details we began to pull on the ropes .

Within minutes the rope became wrapped around my neck for I had missed my strike .

Had it not been for the prompt response of one of my colleagues I would be swinging still .

The painful rope burns lasted for a week,despite having received medical attention at the York District hospital.

The following Sunday morning , at Mass , there was not a sign of any incident- only the memory.

I will never ignore a warning like that again.

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  • 2 months later...

I went to birley spa infants and juniors when i was a nipper,and can recall certain tales of a little girl who was killed in the normanton springs/woodhouse area called Sally Anne i think, she haunted the area,infact the tale is that old that my parents reffered to the area as the `Sally`s` when they were kids in relation to hauntings down there.

Anyone know anymore info they can add to the tale? who can shed more light on it???

It used to freak me out when i was a kid,and used to hate walking down and around the birley spa bath house,a place we used to hang out when we were kids cos it was a hotspot for sightings.

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  • 1 month later...

1964/5, I was a beat bobby on 7 beat, which extended from Saville St. to Burngreave Rd. I came out of my police box on Attercliffe Rd.at the junction with Windsor St. and Norroy St. during the night shift and saw a chap jogging towards me from the direction of Saville St. It was a strange sight at that time of the night, and I stood and watched him as he drew closer. When he was about fifty yards or so away, I saw that he was running on fresh air, about a foot off the pavement. He jogged passed me without a word and ran towards Attercliffe. I mentioned it to the sergeant later that night, and he said, "Forget about it lad, everybody on this beat has seen him. I think he was knocked down and killed some years ago when the pavement was a bit higher than it is now." !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just about every bobby has a tale or two to tell about 'things which go bump in the night,' but keep them to themselves in fear or being thought crackers.

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