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Does anyone have any interesting Ghost Stories?


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Hi, I wonder if you know anything about Hallam Grange, The detached house at the bottom of Hallam Grange Rise. My grandfather Joseph Arthur Knowles owned it and all the land up to Redmires rd up tp 1944. Sadly i never knew him because he died before i was born but any information about the house or his family would be of great interest.

Hope to here from anyone soon. I am new the forum so this is my first post.

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Does anyone have any interesting ghost stories which they would be willing to share with me for a radio project I am working on? I have put a post about this in General Chat but thought that I may get more responce from here, if anyone has already read it.


I would be grateful for any stories that anyone is willing to share!


Hi Lucy,this is more a personal story than anything,but here goes.The last house I lived in before leaving Sheffield in 1975,was 99 Hallam Grange Rise.I remember vividly one night,I would be about 19,I woke to see someone sitting on the wicker chair which was at the end of my bed,I was most definately not asleep!! The figure was, I thought an older version of my brother who had moved over to Preston some months earlier,It was only the following day when relaying my experience to my mum that I realised it had been my father I had seen!!(he died in 1966) My brother is the image of my father!! I have never forgotten this and I am convinced it actually happened,I never experienced it again,but in the same house my mum had a feeling that someone was sitting on her bed,she presumed it was our cat 'Sparky' so she reached out for her,she felt her hand and arm go icy cold,though she didnt actually see anything.I always felt that my father was just seeing if I was OK as he died when I was so young!Regards, Colin.

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  • 5 weeks later...


I'm new to the site, but would like to say that you aught to go and talk to Phil, the landlord of the Carbrook Hall Pub, or go onto his site. There are plenty of ghost stories about that place.


One was when I was about 5. I was born on Bright Street across from the Hall and used to be friends and play with the little girl who lived there. We were both up stairs playing with the dolls on the rug, when a nearby chair moved on its own. Funnily enough, we didn't bat an eyelid and just carried on playing.


d just be careful when you go to the ladies loo, because one of the ghost thinks it's really funny to lock you in the cubicles!


Sorry I'm a little late in the reply - not been on the site for a long time


I came from Bright Street - the big yard opposite - I can remember the chair that rocked,the old lady, years later when children had returned to the Carbrook Hall the sightings started again - we had a few eventful evenings . The old lady re-appeared (she had not been seen for years). One that stands out in my mind was the till draw opening and falling to the ground - when the barmaid picked it up the coins were stacked neatly in piles underneath.


Have witnessed a few investigations over the years. Always found the upstairs areas lively. When visiting the Carbrook Hall look to the window above the entrance you never know you may see the Lady. The walls hold years of memories - To anyone who does believe the CH is a good haunted site - more so if children are in residence.


Not been to the CH for years - I think a return visit is called for


The events

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when i was a kid,we were woken one sunday morning by my sister on the stairs shoutin"money,dad,dad,money on the stairs" we all got up to look,there,in neat piles on 3 stairs were threepenny bits,mum and dad were always skint,and up to there deaths,the mystery was never explained.

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  • 1 month later...

its not really a ghost story just a really spooky chilling true story "A girl was baby sitting for a family and the parents of the baby left the numbers where they were going and told her to ring if she had any problems. they were gone for a couple of hours and the baby started crying, she chaged the baby, fed it but still kept crying, she rang the parents and explained to them, she said "She won;t stop crying, i;ve fed her changed her and all she keeps doing is crying and looking at the clowne at the bottom of her cot" the parents said "She hasn;t got a clowne in her bedroom" the baby sitter said "yes she has its a big clowne sat at the end of her cot at the bottom of the cot, the parents told her to go and get the baby and take her downstairs as she did the clowne moved and it was a weirdo dressed in a clowne outfit and was arrested!!!!

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  • 2 years later...

True Story


One Friday our gaffer came round and asked if we wanted to work over-time the next day-bit short notice but three of us said yes.


The foreman's name was Bob and he had the key's to the firm, so me and my mate are waiting and waiting for an hour and half (no mobiles in those day's)

eventually he turn's up "where the **** have you been" say's my mate


He lived up near Hutcliff wood crematorium and this certain morning was very foggy, so he was driving slowly past the main gates when a little girl dressed in all white ran in front of his car and ran towards the gates, he thought he'd hit her so stopped the car and went looking for her but found the gates were

locked,was that sure he'd hit her he went to the police station at West Bar to report it(the firm was on Trinity Street).The police came round later and told us they found nothing

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  • 2 weeks later...

Worked at Daniel Doncasters Die shop mid 70's.

This is a true account. Any explanations welcome.

One Sunday after midday all my workmates had gone home and there was just me and a security guard left on the premises. I heard a pendant crane moving in the adjacent bay and went to investigate. The crane came to rest opposite a milling machine and a die sinking bench. Couldn't see anyone else in building so I walked to see guard, about 10 mins away, to confirm we were last two on site. Went home didn't think anymore about it until I got to work next day for a 5pm nightshift.

Here's where the hairs on the back of my neck started their funny business. A group of workmates told me the guy who operated the milling machine, where the crane had stopped, died the Sunday afternoon in hospital after complications from a heart operation. AND his best mate who worked at the die sinking bench also oposite where the crane stopped had been hit by a car on the Saturday night and died next day at the same time as his best mate and at exactly the time the crane was coming to a stop just where the two friends worked.

Needless to say I never stayed alone at work again, and I can't explain what I saw and heard. Anyone offer any comments. I was not asleep, drunk, drugged or crazy.

Die shop is where press or forge tools were made. Nothing to do with snuffing it.

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