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Does anyone have any interesting Ghost Stories?


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There ws a BBC programme called 'tales of the unexpected' two coppers told of seeing 'something' by Stocksbrige by pass, They were terrified, so was I as I was watching it in the dark, on my own!. Can anyone please jog my memory about what happened. I'll make sure I read it in the daytime!!

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There ws a BBC programme called 'tales of the unexpected' two coppers told of seeing 'something' by Stocksbrige by pass, They were terrified, so was I as I was watching it in the dark, on my own!. Can anyone please jog my memory about what happened. I'll make sure I read it in the daytime!!

I think this is the one onYouTube, it's in two parts ...

'Ghosts of Stocksbridge Haunted Road'. Part 1 of 2

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when i was a child we were playing hide and seek in the dark,i came out of my bedroom and saw a my cat daisy,my mum and sister also saw her walking into the fridge,daisy was knocked down and killed a few months before.

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who on earth can remember wat their were doing when they were 5. load of ******** its tiredness, drugs, and drink or wishing to see something because of a death in the family i loved my dad i would love for im to contact me it would proof life after death. these storys r great around the camp fire.

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who on earth can remember wat their were doing when they were 5. load of ******** its tiredness, drugs, and drink or wishing to see something because of a death in the family i loved my dad i would love for im to contact me it would proof life after death. these storys r great around the camp fire.

How can you say that ?

I can remember what happened to me when I was four, when I was admitted into the Royal Hospital on West Street for the removal of my tonsils,

I can also remember the layout of the ward I was on and also remember being on the operating table when they administered the anesthetic.



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How can you say that ?

I can remember what happened to me when I was four, when I was admitted into the Royal Hospital on West Street for the removal of my tonsils,

I can also remember the layout of the ward I was on and also remember being on the operating table when they administered the anesthetic.




these r fleeting pain memorys were did you go on holiday wat colour dress did you wear on r birthday

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Have just watched it on you tube. Has anyone seen anything in more recent times?


I don't think anything has happened more recently.I think they had a priest or something to exocise the area.I remember this story well been a teen in stocksbridge at the time although I never had the urge to camp out near there. Like a lot of kids did at the time.they say that the bypass was built on an old monastery and the ghost of the monk was angry about the land been disturbed.studies were also told by the workmen that when they were excavatIng the land for the bypass th go on they dug up and old grave yard and on the inside of the coffins were scratch marks where people had been buried alive.obviously some of the tales were very far fetched but really a lot of the accidents what happened around the opening of the pass could not be explained by anything else and survivors of road accidents swear the monk was standing in front of the car and they have braked and this is what caused the accidents.If you speak to people from the village a lot of people have seen him.I know some one who said he sat in the passenger side of her car for about 200 yards of the bypass. I never really thought much about it as a kid it was just a bit of entertaiment for us but as I got older and was looking to buy my first home I fell in love with a house at the back of the steel works. I hadn't thought much about the monk for years but as soon as I went to look at the house and saw that the garden finished right at the back of the bypass where the bridge was and most of the sightings of him I wasn't taking the chance on that one!!

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My partner used to drive across to manchester every day for work and early one morning about 12 years ago she was in the area of the reported sightings (but we only discovered this after the event) and there was suddenly massive repeated banging on the underside of the car. She stopped immediately thinking there was something wrong. She got out and looked underneath, checked the wheels, looked inthe engine and then down the road thinking she had run over something. There was absoloutely nothing wrong and nothing at all in the road.


Aboout six months after this we were watching tv and there was a programme on with two coppers talking about something strange on the Woodhead Pass and my partner said to me 'that's where I was when I heard the banging'.


Also of interest maybe for the original poster is Strange South Yorkshire

by David Clarke.

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