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Can Nuicance calls from "International" or "Unavailable" be traced?

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I am registered with the Telephone Preference service but still keep getting hassled by an International number trying to find out who I get my energy supplied by, I have told them on several occasions that i dont share this information and that they should stop bothering me and to remove my number from their database but they still ring at least three or four times a week! all they say they are is "Utillity Service" and when i ask for their contact details they then hang up. My wife got fed up of it the other day and used the "F" word to them and they had the cheek to ring back and say to me that my wife should get some manners! All i want to find out is the number they are calling from and an address so i can write to them and complain....

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All i want to find out is the number they are calling from and an address so i can write to them and complain....


You're wasting your time, they're obviously trying to get details on you to try to scam you in some way. Probably identity theft. Answer any of their questions and you'll find you've taken out a mortgage on a house in Nigeria ;)


Writing to them will simply give them more of the puzzle. Your name, address, postcode.. etc...


Just get it barred as manofstrad says...

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If it is from an international number, it is pointless trying to contact whoever is behind them. You can try to have your ISP block the incoming calls, as suggested; but the rules forbidding cold callers simply can't be enforced on calls coming from abroad.

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Yep, you're on a hiding to nothing trying to find stuff out because even if you do you're powerless to do anything about it.


Get caller ID and a phone with an answering machine, then just leave all calls until you can see who they're from, either by recognising their number (friends and family) or until they've left you a message, at which point you can use your answering machine to screen who you want to talk to and who you don't.


Your friends will soon get used to it and if they're calling you deliberately to harass you into changing anything then not taking their calls will make them back off.


Of course, if they're calling you completely randomly because your number got onto a mailing list there's not a lot you can do about it, but at least you won't have to engage them.

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